Chapter 6.

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It wasn't long before they were all scrambled into the court room...
Wade sat on Grandma Romana's lap, they both looked miserable at the Judge.
Bonnie and Jenko stood at the front waiting to judges by the Jury.
Wade watched the Jury give their names.
"Jenko Walker and Bonnie Walker" he said.
"They've done nothing! Nothing you knobs!" Grandma Romana said.
"Take me! Not my wife! My son needs his Mommy!" Jenko said.
"You delinquents were witnessed driving heavily around Bailtmore!"
"My wife can't even spell for gods sake!"
"Daddy! Mommy!" Wade cried out for them.
Grandma Hold him tight. "We're gonna Pay them back for what they're doing! I promise!" Wade watched.
"Take Me! Not Bonnie!"
"THEY HAVE A KID! You are gonna pay for this!" Grandma said angrily.
It then came down to Judge them.
"For all these crimes your both looking at the electric chair."
Wade squirmed in his seat wanting to get his Mom and Dad. He ran up to the front and pulled them by the arm but was defeated by one of the security!
"No! No! No!" He exclaimed and cried out.
"Send them to the chair! Right away." The horrible jury said. Witnesses gasped and whispered and Grandma Romana was horrified and in tears. "You can't do this you morons!"
Cry baby kicked and screamed. Bonnie and Jenko both looked horrified and turned around to see there devastated family. "Oh my baby! You can't do this! Don't make me leave my son!"
Bonnie cried but no one was having it. Jenko had gone too far. "She hasn't done anything!" Jenko exclaimed. "You will pay for this! I will haunt your lives! I mean it!" They both squirmed as they were all pulled away to the electric chair.
"Hey! Get off my parents!" Wade said, kicking and squirming.
"Oh baby it's okay! We'll be with you!" Bonnie said touching her heart to promise. They were both strapped to the chair and had a bolt of volts on there head.
Bonnie and Jenko both held each other's hands, Grandma Romana cried, they both buried their faces into their hands. This was too much for the drape family.
"3, 2, 1." Then the timer was set off.
Then in an instant, they were both fried to death. Their bodies shaked, their eyes went back as All 40 bolts were put into their head and in a few seconds they were dead. Through all that Wade cried in grief for his Mommy and Daddy. He couldn't believe it! Bonnie and Wade's bodies lay there stoked.
"You disgusting cops. You aren't to be trusted!" Grandma Romana said with disgust.
"I'll get you for this!" Wade exclaimed.
"You killed my parents!"
Grandma Romana hurries Wade out of the court. Wade wanted to look back, but he was traumatised.

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