Emotionless (old)

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"You'll just lay motionless




You're beautiful asleep"

-Red Sun Rising, "Emotionless"

      I never thought I was the person who would get upset when a person passed away. Even if it someone I am really close to. I do not cry. I just feel like there is a hole in my heart for a little while until someone or something fills it. I believe I am emotionless. I feel nothing. I do not feel pain. I do not feel compassion. I just feel empty inside. Like when my grandpa passed of some unknown problem his body developed, I did not cry. I stood at the funeral and hugged people. I hugged people who were crying and showing compassion. I said nothing and forced myself to hug people. When I was told he was gone, I was outside of my middle school with my mom and her 2 sisters who were crying. What was I doing while they cried? Good question because I was showing no emotion at all. I am forever emotionless. 

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