A rainy rejection

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Marinette looked up at Adrien, "I- I just don't feel the same way for you and I love someone else I hope you can understand", Adrien said, Marinette's heart sank to her stomach, the love of her life just rejected her, her legs felt like giving out, her eyes filled up with salty tears, "Marinette are you alright?", Adrien asked putting his hand on her shoulder. Marinette ran off, "Marinette!", Adrien yelled, Marinette continued running, the rain getting harder to where you can't see a thing, but she kept running, she didn't know where she was going. Her tears poured like the rain, her hair come loose, as she ran she slipped, her body falling forward into a puddle, her mouth filled with water and her hair became soggy, she spit the water out with a cough. She sat there all wet and sad, she looked forward to see feet, fancy black shoes with black pants, she looked up to see a blonde boy, her vision was blurred by her tears so she couldn't make out who it was. He held out his hand for her to take, she grabbed it and he helped her up, he pulled her under the umbrella to stop the rain from getting on her even though she was already very very wet. 

Marinette wiped her tears away to finally see the guy, Felix, "Why were you out in the pouring rain sitting in a puddle?", Felix asked, "I was trying t-to get h-home b-but I slipped", Marinette said shakily, she didn't know why she was shaking maybe because of how cold it was or because of the rejection. "You're gonna catch a cold", Felix said, he took off his coat and put it on Marinette, "b-but what about y-you?", Marinette asked, "I'll be fine", Felix said. They began making their way to the bakery when the wind picked up and completely took the top of the umbrella off, "well shit", Felix said, he looked at Marinette and pulled the hoodie on top of her head. They began running to the bakery, they pushed the door open and fell forward onto the floor, "oh dear", Sabine said helping the two up, "what happened?", Tom asked, "we got caught in the storm", Marinette said, she looked at Felix, he was shivering really bad. Sabine and Tom took them upstairs into the living room, Sabine made some warm tea and Tom gave them a blanket, Marinette and Felix were sitting very close to each other so they could share the blanket, "Were gonna go downstairs you two warm up", Sabine said taking Tom downstairs. 

It was quiet for a bit until Felix decided to break the silence, "He rejected you didn't he?", Felix asked, Marinette looked away to hide her tears, "um I uh", Marinette choked on her words, Felix's cold face softened, he put his hand on Marinette's, "you know, you shouldn't be crying over a teenage boy", Felix said, Marinette looked at him, "but he isn't just some boy, he's-", Marinette was interrupted, "Different I know, that's what they all say, Adrien is friendly, handsome, popular, does that sound unique to you?", Felix said, Marinette went quiet. Felix let out a few coughs alerting Marinette, she looked at him, his face was flushed and his nose was runny, "Are you alright?", Marinette asked, "yeah I'm fine", Felix said, Marinette took her hand and placed it on his head. "Oh my gosh, you're burning up", Marinette said, "it's fine, it's just a fever", Felix said, "no it's not", Marinette said, she got up and searched the cabinets, she finally found the thermometer and went back to Felix, "open", Marinette said, "no", Felix said, "open you're mouth", Marinette ordered, "you can't make me", Felix said, Pleaasseee", Marinette said with puppy dog eyes. Felix sighed and opened his mouth, she put the thermometer in and waited, it finally beeped and she pulled it out. She gasped at the temperature, "And you were worried about me getting a cold, you have a temperature of 104", Marinette said, she grabbed a cold wash rag and placed it on his forehead, "I said I'm fine", Felix said. Marinette scrunched up her nose and crossed her arms, she sat down next to him, "stop saying you're fine when you're not", Marinette said, Felix clenched his stomach, "what's wrong?", Marinette asked, he began gagging, Marinette ran and got a bucket, she handed him the bucket and let him vomit, she rubbed soothing circles on his back. "Poor Felix", Marinette thought, Felix put the bucket down and caught his breath, "you need to rest", Marinette said, Felix was so sick he didn't put up a fight, he fell sideways and rested his head on Marinette's lap. She stroked his hair as he rested, "hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow", Marinette said, Tikki poked out of her jacket, "I see progress", Tikki said, "what do you mean?", Marinette asked, "you and him are becoming friends", Tikki said, "I hope so", Marinette said. Marinette put her head back and closed her eyes, she faded into dream world.

Tom and Sabine came upstairs to see the beautiful Felinette, Sabine covered Tom's mouth to keep him from fanboying, "They are so adorable", Sabine whispered, Tom nodded violently, "they are even cuter than Marichat or Adrienette", Tom said. Sabine looked at Tom confused, "What in the world is Marichat and Adrienette?", Sabine asked, "you are not a hardcore shipper like me so you wouldn't understand", Tom said, "you are so strange", Sabine said. 

The next morning Felix woke up, he felt a lot better, he looked up to see he was laying on Marinette, he sat up and took out his phone, there were 16 missed calls from Amelie and 3 missed calls from Adrien, he put his phone in his pocket and fixed up his shirt. He looked at Marinette, she was really cute when she was asleep, he grabbed a blanket and put it on Marinette, he left the bakery and headed to the Agreste mansion, he opened the doors and was immediately embraced by Amelie, "I was so worried where were you?", Amelie asked, "the rain was pretty bad so I stayed at a friend's house", Felix said, wait did he just consider Marinette as a friend? Adrien hugged Felix, "I'm glad you're okay Felix", Adrien said. Felix pat Adrien on the back, "uh yeah", Felix said walking off, he didn't wanna look at Adrien, how could he reject Marinette? "Why do I care anyway?", Felix asked himself, Maybe it's because he thinks of Marinette as a friend.....or maybe a little more than that. 

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