chapter six|monster

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okay, before we get into this chapter (where a ton of shit is gonna go down. like, these next two chapters are very intense and a lot of stuff happens.) i would genuinely like to know if anybody is interested in me trying to do a social media fic for louis hofmann (the actor who plays jonas kahnwald) once i finish writing this story, because i am very reluctant to leave the world of dark behind. i have sort of an idea in my mind. the current summary sounds a bit like this:

"a rising British punk singer struggling with finding her place in the world meets a young German actor who turns her world upside down, for the better." 

it would primarily be a social media fic, which i haven't actually done before but would like to try. let me know what you guys think

Chapter Six


Ulrich Nielsen sat at his desk, staring at the arrest warrant the department had just been granted.

"Charlotte, I don't know what to say."

"It was one of the kids, wasn't it?" The other detective said sadly

"How am I going to tell my kids that one of their best friends is a killer? Even I don't want to believe it. He's such a nice boy, from a good family."

"Evidence doesn't lie, Ulrich."

"I guess you're right."


I would have rather died than gone back to school, but I needed to get out of my house. I stood awkwardly in front of the main doors, more than an hour late with my skateboard tucked under my arm.

"Nervous much?" I heard someone shout from behind me.

Turning around, I was a little surprised to see Bartosz walking across the parking lot.

"I needed to get out of the house, but I'm not looking forward to it." I admitted

Bartosz chuckled "Me neither. I was suffocating. The death threats aren't fun, either."

I reached for his hand. "We'll go in together, then."

"In all honesty, I can't remember what class we have first." Bartosz shrugged

"Law, I think."

Ironic, considering what would happen in just a few short hours.

When we entered the classroom, all eyes were on us. It made me uncomfortable, but Bartosz looked like he had gotten used to the whispers and the stares. Franziska glanced at me from the back of the room, a sad smile on her face.

Bartosz and I sat a few rows apart. I could hear all the whispers.

... that's the kid that killed Heidi Vogel...

... I heard he strangled her with his bare hands...

...I don't know why Annaliese is still hanging out with him. Preaching his innocence...

"Bartosz" I reached over and grabbed his shoulder "Don't listen to them. We know you didn't do it."

Bartosz was about to reply when Charlotte Doppler knocked on the door. I looked back at Franziska, who sent me a frantic glance. When Ulrich Nielsen walked in behind Charlotte. My heart dropped to my feet.

There could be only one reason why they were here.

"Bartosz Tiedemann, you are under arrest for the murder of Heidi Vogel. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do can be use against you in a court of law, however it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you may later rely on in court."

𝚆𝙰𝙸𝙳𝙼𝙰𝙽𝙽𝚂 𝙷𝙴𝙸𝙻 ,, magnus nielsenWhere stories live. Discover now