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Lorenzo didn't wait after I'd answered him with affirmation. Holding my wrist like a vice, he rushed down the stairs as I stumbled after him, almost helpless behind him. I was faintly aware that he'd gestured something to Alessandro when he'd passed us down the hallway, however, he hadn't said a word. I'd like to think I was afraid, but I knew I'd stopped being scared of my husband days ago. If anything I was confused by his sudden temper and celerity.

When he finally stopped, and I had the chance to look around, I swallowed, shaking my head almost frantically. A hand shot out and gripped my jaw, I gasped as my head jerked up to meet his icy gaze. "Look at me."

My tongue swelled, and the ability to form words seemed to be lost on me, not to mention that Lorenzo's smoldering gaze pinning me wasn't any help. "But—"

"I've told you before, and I'll say it again. Your life is safe with me." If I wasn't on the verge of slipping beneath the shadows all over again, I'd pick his words apart because my husband was careful with his words. "Mia cara, don't you dare look through me. See me. Not the gun I'm going to shoot."

Instinctively, I tried sneaking a look at the targets, but before I even had a chance to look at them, Lorenzo tightened his hold on my jaw, making sure he was the only thing I saw. Literally. He touched his forehead to mine and breathed with me. He only held my chin, his other hand was outstretched at what I'd assume to be the targets. Never taking his eyes off, he fired the gun, and a loud bang echoed inside. Unable to help myself I flinched, and tried looking down to save myself the embarrassment. I couldn't even stand it in a closed room when there was no blood being spilled. Lorenzo, however, was not having it as he brought my eyes back on his. His fingers brushed my cheek with a gentleness I didn't think he possessed. Unlike all the other times he'd touched me, this time he caressed me with a reverence I was sure was just as new to him as it was to me. Just as I was beginning to lean into his touch, my eyes fluttering close, another shot ricocheted in the room, and I straightened, feeling the eerie grip of panic on my spine. My heart seemed to be beating maniacally inside my chest, however, I wasn't sure if it was Lorenzo or fear. The next time he fired, I stumbled into his chest, my nails digging into his shirt as I stared into his heady gaze. At that moment, we seemed to be caught in a frenzy of static that was a stranger to both of us.

He almost looked like fire in water and passion on ice, and before I even realized it, I was drowning.

Maybe I was destructive. Perhaps it was a curse, though it would be easier to blame it on something entirely out of both of our control. However, I couldn't blame needing to feel him closer on astral influence. I didn't consider rejection when I stood on my toes and took his lips with mine.

Before I had the chance to feel even the slightest touch, he'd pushed me back a couple of steps, my back colliding with the wall lightly. His eyes, molten steel closing in on the indomitable blues. My heart sank inside my chest, but I couldn't really fault him for treating me like he would a stranger because in all the weeks I'd known him that was all we'd been to each other.

"I'm sorry.... I—" I cringed at my inability to form coherent words, and the ones I'd formed were nothing but a tissue of threadbare clichés.

"What do you want, Andrea?" Lorenzo's voice was merely a whisper, but it held so much danger that I felt it deep inside my bones. I'd wanted to escape his cold gaze, but I wouldn't know how to even if I tried. His cold eyes seared my flesh and a flush rose up on my neck. I swallowed, running my tongue across my lips, suddenly feeling parched. His eyes darkened as he took a predatory step towards me. I knew I had nowhere to go, but for some reason, I hadn't wanted to run either.

I wanted him to consume me like a wildfire does the forest.

Like the moon does the night.

However, I wasn't sure if that was what he wanted as well.

My stomach coiled as his thumb traced my bottom lip, freeing it from my teeth when I hadn't been aware that I'd been biting my lips. "Remember what I told you, mia cara," he leaned down, his nose brushing mine, the gesture not nearly dulling the mayhem in his irises, "if you want something from me. Use. Your. Words." He said roughly, his words simmering with barely restrained anger. Almost like a soldier who knew he'd have to surrender soon to a force he had been none the wiser to.

"I—" I gasped as his hand kneaded my ass, parting my legs with his muscular thigh as he drove my hips into his subtly, and oh so collusively. The knot in my stomach tightened as I clenched my thighs, my nails digging into his forearms. My eyelids fluttered shut as I tried to build up the courage, knowing very well that he held me right in the palm of his hands. "I want you to kiss me."

The words were barely out of my mouth before his lips were on mine. Lorenzo tugged my head back by snaking his hands in my hair, and I parted my lips for him, trembling when the tip of his tongue met mine. He groaned lowly, his hand curling in my hair as his other one explored my body. He plundered every last breath of mine, burning me everywhere with his caresses. My heart drummed inside my chest, same as him. He tilted his head, kissing me deeper and it was like something inside me had unfurled and detonated.

Nothing about the way our tongues danced together was delicate. We were lost to the way the tide had taken both of us under, too high on the desire that'd bloomed and exploded between us.

I rocked against his thigh between my legs as our breaths turned harsher, almost like heady magic had taken over us and now we couldn't get enough of each other. My nippled pebbled, aching for attention as I scraped my nails down his arms, wanting to tattoo myself on his skin like he was burying himself under my skin with the possessive strokes of his tongue against mine. I couldn't help my visceral reaction to him, nor could I help the desire igniting and liquefying in my veins. His taste was an aphrodisiac and as he stole the air from my lungs, I tangled up my hands in his hair, returning every last bit of his aggression. At least as much as I could with the control, he was allowing me. Needing more, I slid my core up and down his thigh. My dress pooled around his thigh, cascading down as it hid the way my pussy moved against his pants, the friction entirely too delicious, and after the day I'd had I needed the pleasure-induced haze only Lorenzo could conjure.

A phone rang in the distance, the noise insistent but somehow it was muffled for me. Not for Lorenzo though.

"Fuck," he rasped as he pulled away, his lips swollen from our kisses, and I couldn't help the elation I felt at marking him even if it wasn't nearly similar to the way he was slowly stealing my heart without even wanting it. The haze dissolved and embarrassment had my cheeks flushing. I couldn't believe I was riding his leg like that. My eyes dropped to his hard-on, a little pleased that I'd been the one to cause this. The happiness was fleeting, however, as Lorenzo pulled away, and his walls came up. "I need to take this," he removed his phone from his pocket as he ran his hand through his hair. He tugged at my hair, pulling my head back as he pressed his lips against the column of my neck, slowly coming towards my ear, I trembled when his warm breath brushed my skin, "you asked for a kiss, mia cara if you want to come, better ask for that next time."

And with that he was gone, leaving me alone with my muddled thoughts and a core that was throbbing for his attention.

Damn you, Lorenzo Santini.

* * *

I had so much fun writing this chapter because it's just so Lorenzo and Andrea! I hope you enjoyed this!

So what do you think? Thoughts? Theories?

Question for my old readers, how did you like this chapter?

Thank you for reading and supporting me.

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