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I know I could have just floo myself home but come on what's the fun in that?

And I mean delaying the inevitable is always amazing. I had a fantastic year at IIvermorny and I would like to hold on it for as long as possible before I set foot in London and the dreaded summer vacations start. Yes, I am one of those people who hates summer vacations and going home.

Even though this summer vacation is going to be a little different according to Severus.

Don't know how though?

Severus just said he would tell me more about it when I reach London.

With Severus you never know what you are gonna get.

So, I had stopped guessing a long time ago and just made myself ready for any changes in my life that could occur at the drop of a hat and what with the rumors that I had heard or the news circulating around about Albus Dumbledore supposedly lying about the dark lord being back and all.

Now I know that Dumbledore would never lie about such a thing.

So, if Dumbledore is saying that "he" is back then he must be and that could very well be the reason as to why my summer vacations is going to be alot different as per Severus.

Hope I can finally meet the Harry Potter because that would just make my summer or at the very least give me enough strength to get through another summer with Severus.

I see as the sky starts to darken and I see the familiar landscape indicating that I am almost home. Taking a deep breath I start to gather my things so that Severus wouldn't have to wait longer than necessary for me to get to him.

The ship ride was over faster than I could have thought but time is funny that way, it passes faster when you are dreading something.

Oh well, hopefully this summer flies away too which is doubtful but I am ever the optimistic.

I make my way from my compartment and on to the deck while carrying my luggage in a duffel bag which to a no-maj will look like a normal duffel bag filled with normal no-maj stuff which in reality has a extension charm on it and is carrying all my school things and my backpack that is filled with my no-maj clothes and what not. Just so that there is no problem when I enter London.

I get hit with a drop of rain as soon as I get on the deck, turning my head towards the sky I breathe in the London air as more rain drops start to fall. Even though I hate summer vacations, I love London and rain.

To me there's no comparison to it anywhere. As the rain drops fall on my face and hair it feels like they are welcoming me home showering me with kisses, telling me how much they missed me, the wind enveloping me in its embrace as a mother envelops his son after he returns from war.

I spread my arms and with my upturned face greet them back.

Grinning from ear to ear I get on the  landing deck pass the customs officers and make my way towards where Severus awaits.

There he stands in his black robes even when we are surrounded by no-maj, his face as grim as ever with his black hair which act like a curtain shielding his face.

He does not look happy partially because I was enjoying the rain and made him late and partially because he does not like to be happy which if you think about it is sort sad and depressing.

Oh well, I guess everyone has a right to live their lives as they want.

As I get closer I try to discern any other emotion apart from not happy. Maybe restless. Hmm.

"You're late." That's the first thing he says as I reach his side. Being well acquainted with his warm welcomes I have my excuse at the ready. "There were a lot people getting off the ship."

At my excuse he borrows his sharp eyes in mine trying to read my mind.

Key word trying because long ago I had learned how to keep him out of my head.

"So it would seem." He said as he failed in his attempt to see my thoughts.

I smiled internally.

Seth 1 Severus 0

"Let's go." He said turning on his feet and letting his robes blow after him as I  follow closely behind him while smiling at his back for winning the first round of the summer.

But my victory is short lived as we start making our way away from the all the hustle and bustle of the arriving area where no-Maj seem to be and start towards alleys from where we could apparate to our destination.

"Ah, Severus you said you would tell me more on arrival as to why my summer is going to be different." I ask as we turn in an alley that looks to be a dead end.

"Let's apparate first. I'll tell you more when we get there." He said finally stopping and turning towards me.

"What do you mean there? Are we not going to your house?" I ask confused as he just answers with a simple "No" and holds out his arm for me to take. Thumping my curiosity for now I grab hold of his arm and we disappear.

No matter how many times I have done it with Severus I still have a nauseating sensation as I am pressed by all directions as all the air in my lungs is pushed out while my eardrums start to compress and my eyeballs start to go inside my skull.

And just when I think I am going to be sick we reach our destination and the sensation is gone. My feet land on unkempt grass that is in middle of a square. I look around at the grim looking houses some of which have broken windows. Doors in dire need of a paint job and trash spewn even on the steps of the houses.

"Where are we Severus?" I said letting go of his arm.

"Read this and memorize." He said thrusting a piece of paper in my hand that had something scribbled on it. As I read it my stomach starts churning out of fear or excitement I don't know.

The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London.

"You don't really mean The Order of-------?" I start to ask as Severus cuts me off. "No questions until we are inside." He said taking the piece of paper from my hands setting it on fire.

"Think about it, quickly." He commands as I turn towards the grim looking houses again and think about the words written on the piece of paper. As the words move around my mind the number twelve, Grimmauld place starts to materialize as if it had been squashed between number eleven and number thirteen all this time just waiting for me to think about it, so that it could appear.

"Inside. Now." Severus said starting to walk towards it and climbing the worn stone steps while I follow behind. This summer is looking up to be quite surreal I think as I cross the threshold and step inside the moldy looking house.

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