(OiIwa) Sleepover (fluff)

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^^not my art by its my favourite OiIwa fanart.

Oikawa and his friends where chilling in the brown haired makes house, Iwaizumi had already agreed to stay the night and Oikawa didn't mind of any of the rest of them wanted to stay either.

"It's great to hang out with you guys again." Oikawa smiled leaning back and spreading across the couch, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah I gotta agree with that." Mastuhana laughed glancing to the couch then back to the TV where he Makki and Iwaizumi where playing a game on the switch, a simple game of Mariokart.

Makki didn't respond as he was yelling at the TV for falling off the map for the fifth time while the other two laughed at him.

"Yeah well that's your fault for always making yourself busy Shitty-kawa." Iwaizumi grinned looking at his best friend on the couch as he finished his last lap in the game. He turned himself around properly and leaned his back against the table.

"Hey! I'm not always busy." Oikawa attempted to defend himself, a lazy smile on his face as he stared at the ceiling, stratching his hands out infront of him and now bringing his attention to his hands.

Iwaizumi gave him a look that showed that he didn't believe him, the brown haired male simple glanced at him then back up to his hands.

"Even if I was always busy what's the problem? You guys always have something else to do too."

"Yeah but sometimes I want you to join in too yknow." Iwaizumi said looking away from the other boys in the room.

Oikawa raised an eyebrow and let his hands drop to his sides and he sat up and looked at his friend.

"Sounds kinda gay dude." Makki teased leaning in Iwaizumi slightly and nudging him with a smirk. Iwa turned his head back to look at his friend with a small frown.

"Makki shut up you practically claim your gay everyday when there's a joke relating to it." Mastu said pointing a finger accusingly at his friend while he swung the remote with the wrist strap in his other hand.

Oikawa broke out a giggle at his friends words and flopped down on his stomach on the sofa instead and poked Iwaizumi, a small smile spreading across his face as he turned himself around and leaned back against the couch, pushing the pink haired male off him in the process. Oikawa took this chance and lightly wrapped hims arms around his friend's neck and stuffing his face in the side of Iwa's neck.

"Awe~ doesn't my small Iwa-chan miss spending time with me?" He chuckled amused hugging the boy close.

"I'm only a bit smaller than you and no I don't, I don't know why I said it." Iwaizumi sighed, attempting to keep a straight face but having the close this close to him just made him want to smile, it made him happy as annoying as he gets that's something the probably won't ever change.

"You're so cute sometimes." Oikawa mumbled quietly before removing his face from the boys neck, noticing the others in the room didn't even seem to care for what they were doing.

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and leaned back slightly managing to lean against Oikawa as they continued their game, the brown haired male not seeming to want to play for some reason when most times he's get competitive.

After awhile Oikawa got bored so he was just on his phone at that point and the rest where beginning to get tired or bored of the game. Placing a bet for whoever come below 4th place would have to order food. Oikawa got out of that for once be he agreed to go to the door to get the food.

"So are you all staying the night?" He questioned removing his arms from Iwaizumi and rolling over on the couch so his back was on the couch, his legs over the back of it and his head chilling off the edge where people's legs are normally supposed to be.

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