Chapter 1

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Hi, My name is Ryan, so lets start off with some facts about me, so Im 18 and Im 5'2 in height, My favorite color is black, and my top 5 bands are Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, All Time Low, 5SOS, and Pierce The Veil, i like a lot of other bands but those are top 5. Lets see my hair is also brown with purple tips, and my all time favorite show is American Horror Story, so enough about me ill tell you my whole story of how Michael and i met...


[Ryan's P.O.V]

I was sitting on my couch having a stupid lazy day, my dad and mom are divorced and right now im at my moms house. My moms working so I'm all alone, i was scrolling on twitter when 5SOS popped up, the tweet had read '5SOS Performing Live In Pasadena Don't Miss It!' well since i love that band i thought i should get tickets ASAP since it was tomorrow and its like 35 mins away from my house! I bought the tickets immediately and then went to Hot topic to get some Merchandise.

[2 hours later]

I came back home to be greeted by my drunk mother oh god help me.
"Really mom?!" I yelled looking at her, "wha..IM TIRED LEAVE ME F-Hmch..."she stumbled with her words, i wonder how much she drank?! Next thing i know she passed out on the couch. "Oh god mom, Pull yourself together, UGH!" i just left her there and put a blanket on her and went into my room and fell asleep.

[Next Morning]

Yay! Its Sunday, and i get to see 5SOS perform! i looked over at my phone and looked at the time, it was 2:00, SHIT why did i wake up so late?! The concert starts at 4:00, that only gives me two hours to get ready!! I quickly got up showered, did my hair and make up and put some black ripped skinny jeans on with a 5SOS shirt and my Doc Martens, some 5SOS Bracelets too. I was totally ready for the concert, i grabbed my phone, made sure it was charged and got in my car and drove away.

[At The Concert]

I had finally found a parking spot and got out and went through security and shit, and finally i got to the stadium and found my seat in the crowd, not really "seats" but you know what i mean. After about 20 mins the concert was finally starting, i got amazing seats so when they were performing i could see there faces so clearly, they were performing "Good Girls" and as i was singing along taking a video and as i was Michael Clifford and I made eye contact, it felt like we were staring at each other for years, yet it was only a few seconds, and after that Michael was messing up on the guitar, the music notes came out like a retarded banjo, i wonder what was happening to him, the whole concert stopped and Michael had apologized to us for messing up. All i was hoping for was that i didn't mess him up, then everyone would hate me. The concert was cancelled after that, which i thought was weird, what was wrong with Michael that he couldn't play? I thought it was stupid, and worst of all no refunds, but in a way i did have a good time watching them for a short time. As i was walking out of the crowd i heard yelling and someone saying bring her over here! I looked back and saw 2 security guards come over to me and say "Could you please come with us young lady." It wasn't even a question, it was, more like do it or else, so being the person i am i fought them, with words. "What for i didn't do anything!" "Ma'am just please come with us", "I have to go home bro so no I'm not letting you take me anywhere!" just as i had finished one of the security guards picked me up over his shoulder and took me to wherever, i was yelling cussing and punching but obviously no use, i had freaking noodle arms! "Here you go Michael" one of the security guards said, Wait Michael? As in Michael Clifford, what did he want from me? "Hi, Im Michael, obviously you knew that because you came to the concert." he said with a little laugh at the end. "Ya obviously..." I said it sassily because i was just brought here against my will, I'm super excited about talking to THE Michael Clifford but I'm also really tired and i didn't want to meet him like this. I was interrupted by Michael talking again, "Look missy, i don't think you should give me any attitude since your the one who messed me up at a big concert in front of a million fans!" Man i didn't realize Michael Clifford could get so angry. "Hey! How is this my fault, that YOU messed up! And my name is Ryan!!" I was pissed off at this point. "You distracted me!" "How did I distract you?!" "With your face! Next time try to look ugly!" "Is this your way of calling me pretty of some shit, because you're not doing a good job." "Sorta..." "Awe Michael Clifford is a softy, how cute!" "Shut up and gimme your phone" I obeyed and gave him my phone, I wonder what he's doing... "Here, You can go home now cutie" "umm? okay.... and my name is Ryan!" As I was walking away he yelled "I know, but i need a little nickname for my future girlfriend" And then he winked, holy shit, so first Michael Clifford said I'm pretty, then he called me cute and now i realized why he wanted my phone, he put his number in my phone and he put his name as "My Sexy Boy ;)" Sleazy boy.....As I was thinking this he texted me, did he memorize my number that fast when he looked at my phone??

Hey cutie, get ready for tomorrow night, its gunna be our first date ;) xoxo -Michael

First date? Im so not ready for whats coming to me.....


Hey Poptart Faces! I hope you like my First Chapter of "I Pinky Promise..." Theres more to come and i hope you bare with me and enjoy the story! -Poptart Queen Out! ✌️

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