Chapter 2

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[Ryan's P.O.V]

I hadn't heard much from Michael, he hasn't texted me all day, i kept thinking, actually more like hoping that he had forgotten about that date he arranged for us... Not that I'm not thrilled to go on a date with Michael Clifford its just that i wanted to meet him differently, more romantic i guess. As i was thinking about all this i laid in my bed and put my ear buds in and listened to Pierce The Veil...

[3 Hours Later]

I Guess i had fallen asleep because it got late when i just woke up from my nap. As i was stretching i got a text from someone. I looked at my phone and it was a text from my best friend Gabby, i was glad, i thought it was going to be Michael.


Wey Hey! Are we gunna have our sleepover/girls night tonight?? -Gabby

Of Course! I thought i was gunna have plans with someone else but apparently not so ya we still can! -Ryan

I cant believe you were gunna cancel on me!!! Wait...You have other friends?? :P -Gabby

-__- Bitch, ya i got friends, rude much!!! But come over and ill tell you more about what happened to me yesterday. -

OOOOOH OKAII! Let you know when I'm at your house! Your moms not home, is she? -Gabby

Nope, if she is she will be drunk, so don't worry. :/ -Ryan

Awe, Okaii, well I'm sorry. :( -Gabby

Its coolio, let me know when you're here. -Ryan

Okaii! -Gabby

[End Of Convo]

As I shut my phone off i went to lay down but my phone went off again. Groaning, i sat up and looked at my phone and almost choked at what i read.


Hey Cutie, you didn't think i forgot about our date did you? ill be there in about 1 Hour, see you soon beautiful. ;) -Michael

Ya, NOPE, I'm having a little sleepover with my friend at my house so NOOOOO I'm not going on a date with you, sorry. -Ryan

You really think I'm gunna leave you alone because of that excuse? NOPE, we'll just have our date at your house, and ill bring my friend to keep your friend company cutie, one of my band mates. ;) -Michael

You little shit. -Ryan

What was that babe? -Michael

Oh shut up, and GO AWAY! -Ryan

[End Of Convo]

After that he didn't text back. I hope he doesn't actually come over! UGH.

[40 Mins Later]

Gabby finally arrived and I explained to her what happened at the concert, she was crying because she wanted to meet them and go to the concert, but maybe she might meet Michael and whoever he's gunna bring. After talking about how Michael likes me and i like him we started watching my all time favorite show American Horror Story. After a few episodes we started listening to All Time Low and going online to Hot topic and Instagram, and twitter, and youtube. I was in my American horror story Pj's and Gabby was in her 5SOS Pj's and her hair was down and my hair was up showing off more of my purple hair, and Gabby also had Pink tips, we were jumping around singing and then I had to put my dorky glasses on and read a message on my phone. Gabby was still jumping around and i was laughing at her until i read what was on my phone...

Im outside cutie, come outside and say hi! -Michael

I walked outside and saw Michael and Luke Hemmings standing leaning on Michaels car. "What the hell are you guys doing here?!?" "I told you we were gunna have a date." "Ya i know but i told you Gabby and i are hanging out!!" "Hey stop shouting at me!" Michael was mad at me for yelling but i was pissed, i was having such a great time with just me and Gabby but now Michael and Luke are here!! GREAT, JUST FREAKING GREAT! "By the way i love your Pj's they reveal your stomach." And then he winked, i realized my shirt is a little short but I don't plan on wearing this out. "Fine, you can come, Luke you can come too, sorry I'm being so bitchy." "No its totally okay!" All three of us went in and saw Gabby holding pizza and dancing and singing. I was laughing so hard, and Gabby saw us and screamed and said, "HOLY SHIT ITS MICHAEL CLIFFORD AND LUKE HEMMINGS!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO FREAKING MUCH!!! RYAN YOU WERENT LYING!!!!" She started hugging me and thanking me, haha. "Ya i didn't lie! So anyways, Gabby this is Michael, Michael this is Gabby." They both said hi and I introduced her to Luke, they seemed to really like each other and connect, because 20 mins later they were making out on my other couch while all of us were watching American Horror Story. "Why don't you wanna kiss me?" Michael started talking and i said, "Because I don't want too." He started pouting, oh god Michael do you know what you're doing to me. I slowly crawled on top of him and kissed his nose lightly and snuggled up to him. "Is that good enough?" "It'll do, its not better then making out but its nice too." I laughed lightly and traced his stomach and slowly started falling asleep, Im just glad my drunken mother didn't come home tonight....

Im falling asleep and i cant seem to stay up, I hope Michael doesn't do anything stupid....

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