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Candice LeRae smirked, shaking the can of purple spray paint in her right hand

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Candice LeRae smirked, shaking the can of purple spray paint in her right hand. She admired her work, leaving her poisoned pixie symbol and the world 'LONG LIVE EVIL.' 
"Nice one, LeRae." 
She smiled at the voice of her good friend, Roderick Strong. She was too busy putting her spray paint can in her back pocket to realize Roddy was now spray painting over her mark, leaving his 'RS' symbol, the same infamous 'LONG LIVE EVIL' words under it. Candice rolled her eyes and groaned when she saw it. "Fuck you, Roddy. Like seriously..that was my best mark.." 
Roddy just snickered and leaned against the wall. "How's your mom feel about you changing your symbol from herself to the pixie?"

"Well...she was a little upset at first," She begun, joining Roddy against the wall. "But she realized once I'm ruler of this hunk of junk island...I need to have my own symbol..besides, a pixie and evil fairy are very similar so it all works out." 
Candice's mother, Maleficent, was the most respected and feared villian in all of the Isle of the Lost, the home of all things evil and wicked. 
Although the island itself was disgusting, dirty and awful, Candice always knew it as home and she had some pretty good friends along with it. Causing havoc and terror all across the island was so much better than doing any preppy goody two shoes crap. 
And the pretty good friends? Well one was Roderick Strong, one of Candice's childhood friend's.

Roderick, son of Jafar, he's known for not only stealing precious items and valuables but the hearts of many girls on the island. It was almost impossible to not fall for him, his charming personality and swooning good looks was just enough to make you fall in love. He had practically had a fling with every girl on the island except for Candice and...

"Woah, Roddy. Nice mark...it's almost as pretty as me.."
"Well then my mark must be pretty ugly!" Roddy teased, fist bumping Candice in the process.

Tegan Nox.
Tegan Nox, daughter of The Evil Queen. Her and Candice were originally bitter rivals who hated each other. But as time grew on, the two grew closer and ended up becoming best friends, showing off sides they have never shown to anyone and exchanging secrets they'd promise to keep to the grave. Tegan was the most gorgeous girl on the island, stealing just as many hearts as Roddy, if not more. It was almost a competition between the two to see how many people would fall for them. 

Candice always hated this. She felt like love and relationships were just useless and time consuming. Why spend your time devoted to another persons wants and needs when you could be plotting your plan to take over the world. 
Love was just a waste of time in Candice's eyes. But one of her friends didn't talk about relationships and oogling over girls as much, and that was. 


Kyle O' Reilly screeched at the top of his lungs as he ran towards the group, a tiny puppy in hot pursuit. 
Kyle was the son of Cruella de Vil. He was a huge nerd who was probably the nicest out of the group. He was scared of a lot of things but at the top of the list were dogs. Candice felt tons of pity towards Kyle, his mother never seemed truly care about him and only wanted him around for chores and such. He was one of Candice's closest friends ever since she started hanging out with Roddy. 

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