The Money

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        "Have any money on you?"
        "We're on a planet three thousand years in the future from your current time line in a solar system fifteen million light years from Earth, Clara." The Doctor reminded, turning around and staring at her sceptically. 
      She rolled her eyes, walking up besides him with a skip to her step and smiled sweetly, holding out an open palm. He started at it a second, eyes flickering to her expectant expression and then back to her hand. Defeated, he put a wad of strange, slightly gooey, transparent coins in it, Clara humming triumphantly as she took it and skipped off a bit. He stared after her. 
      "Thank you." she called back over her shoulder.
      "How could you have possibly-?"
      "Know? Because I know you." 
      "You're very annoyingly observant."
      Clara halted, turning back and grinning impishly, giddy and childlike in her excitement to try something new from a new planet again. The Doctor almost commented on her expression but didn't get a chance.
        "You love it." she teased and raised an eyebrow as The Doctor stiffened, blocking the middle of the market place isle as his feet failed to keep him walking. His cheeks went a thin pink and Clara couldn't help but laugh. "That's okay, though, I love you too." 
        She was being playful, teasing, obviously to embarrass, The Doctor reminded himself, watching the brunette happily skip off toward something most closely related to an Earth ice cream vender. She was only joking. Keep moving. 

Five Times Clara Said She Loved The Doctor. And The One Time He Replied.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora