Mrs. Raizada at the Derby

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Arnav Singh Raizada was rarely shocked in life. But when it came to his wife, he had come to believe that if Khushi did not do something shocking then she was definitely not normal. Naturally, when Khushi had expressed her desire to go to the derby, he had not believed her. He had only taken her seriously when Aman had called to confirm the bookings. On inquiry Aman had said that he had told what his Khushi Bhabhi had asked of him. There was no one who was untouched by Khushi's charismatic personality!

Dressed in a denim jeans and polo shirt, he was no waiting for Khushi when his sister arrived all dressed up.

"Are you going somewhere Di?"

"Yes Chotte. To the derby with you and Khushi Bhabhi.", Anjali smiled warmly.

Of course. This was Khushi. She had taken the entire family to the movie theater last month. How had he expected anything else!

Before he could say something, his wife descended the stairs dressed aptly. Wow, Mrs. Raizada was surely looking delectable. If only he could have a bite now.

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"Chaliye Arnavji. It's just the three of us. Everyone else has gone to the Roshan's wedding."

"You look edible Mrs. Raizada.", Arnav whispered in Khushi's ears while Anjali walked ahead.

"Too bad you have to fast today. I don't want a repeat of the Singhania party Arnavji. That's why I'm taking Di.", Khushi smiled too sweetly.

"Which one?", he frowned.

"The one where you told me that I looked 'edible enough to cause a diabetic like you to risk his sugar levels', dragged me to the party where Naniji had insisted repeatedly we stay for two hours, fed me and dragged me home in thirty minutes."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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