kyunwoo/part 1

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Sungwoo:hi kyun what you doing? Kyun: nothing.
Woo : uh you're so lame.
Jisung: hey woo let's dance.
Woo: ok let's hit it.
* Woo and Jisung dancing*
Kyun : I'm leaving, there dancing again.
3 days later
Principle: everyone please head to the auditorium please, all students please head to the auditorium.
* Kyun sits behind Woo , jisung sits next to woo*
Principle: now let's start please enter the dancers.
*the dancers come in and start performing *
*Jisung being energetic and hugging Woo around his neck*
In Kyun's mind: why do I feel jealous when Jisung hugged woo, do I like him.
*back at the classroom *
*Woo and Jisung dancing *
In Kyun's mind : woo is so adorable, aahh get yourself self together Kyun.
*Kyun outside laying on the bench*
Kyun: well woo is adorable when he dances , uh I think I do have feelings for him, I should invite him to a karaoke room but I will invite Jisung and Jae also.
Woo: what are you doing here outside.
*Kyun turn red*
Kyun: u-h I was just thinking about things. Woo: oh ok *walking away*
Kyun: wait woo I have something to tell you.
Woo: yhea what is it.
Kyun: will you go to a karaoke room with me, Jisung and Jae.
Woo : yhea sure.
Kyun: ok.
* Kyun telling Jisung and Jae to come to the karaoke room*
*at the karaoke room*
Woo: what song do you want to play.
Jae: let's both sing Dalla Dalla by itzy.
*1 hour later*
Jisung: uuhh Jae why are you so drunk I'm going to take you home lets go, bye kyun we have to leave, you can stay here with woo.
Kyun : it's ok I will stay , go take Jae home.
* 10 min later*
Kyun: ok woo we have to go
*Woo drunk and dancing * Woo : no I don't want to go , I want to keep dancing.
Kyun: no woo it's late know let's go. Woo: nnnoo
*Woo trips , and accidentally falls on Kyun*
*they make eye contact *
Kyun : Woo please get off me
*Woo kisses him and passes out *
Kyun: woo wh-at did y-ou just do
Woo-woo-sungwoo, uuuhh he passed out.
*Kyun takes woo home*
* the next day at school*
Woo: uh my head hurts I drank to much last night.
Kyun: woo you dont remember anything about last night?
Woo: yes , i remember we went to a karaoke room and I drank to much and i passed out
Kyun: you dont remember anything else.
Woo:no , was there anything else to remember.
Kyun : no, it was nothing
*Later in the afternoon*
Sunk Min:hi woo, what song are we practicing today
*Sunk Min raps his hand around woon and pulls him closer*
Woo:i dont know what song we should do
*Kyun get's mad/jealous when Sunk Min hugs woo*
Kyun: Sungwoo!!
*Woo turns around*
*Kyun walks towards woo*
*Kyun pushes Sunk Min and grabs woo's hand*
*Kyun pushes woo to the wall at the gym*
Kyun: woo wtf, dont you know what that guy was doing to you.
Woo: yes i do, he was just talking with me
Kyun:no, he was flirting with you
Woo: no he wasn't you're so dumb
Kyun: aaahh, you dont remember what happened in the kareoke room
Woo: no i dont, what happened?
Kyun: i will show you what happened
*Kyun kisses Woo*
*Woo is in shock then he pushes him away*
Woo: what the fuck was that for eew
Kyun: yes you did before you passed out you kissed me
Woo: what...
*Woo runs away*
Kyun:uuhh what did i do
*He kicks the wall*
*Later at school*
Jae: hey kyungho do you want to come to my house for we can watch a football game
*After school at jae's house
Kyun:hi jae
Jae: hi, come inside
*Kyun and woo see each other*
Kyun:you didn't tell me that woo and jisund will come.
Jae: sorry
*Kyun sits next to woo*
*Jae sits next to jisung*
Kyun:omg they can't hold there liquor at all
Jae:i know
Kyun:im pretty sleepy, i should go home
Jae:no, stay here its already late so you can stay here
Kyun: ok ,witch room should i get
Jae: me and jisunv will go sleep in the guest room,you and woo can sleep in my room
Kyun:ok *sighs*
*Kyun takes woo to the room*
Kyun: woo you sleep in the bed i will sleep in the floor
*2 hours later*
*Kyun wakes up*
*Kyun looks at woo and plays with his hair*
Kyun: woo i liked you since i met you
*Woo was awake and was hearing everything he said*
*Woo turns around*
*Kyun lays down and goes under the blanket*
Woo:is that true
*Woo gets closer*
Woo:me too
*He moves the blanket out of kyun's face*
*Woo kisses Kyun*
*Then you know what then you know what*
*The next morning*
*Woo wakes up*
*He sees kyun shirtless*
Woo:what happened yesterday night
*Woo remembers*
Woo:oh shit
*He gets all of the bedsheets*
*He walks out the room to go wash them*
*While he walks out jae and jisung see him*
Jae: what are you doing with my bed sheets
Woo:uu-mm, i spilled something on it
Jae:oh ok , put the washer up to 70
Woo:ok ,thank you
Jisung:wait a second why is you're shirt big
Woo: oh its because jae's shirt fits me big
Jae: oh ok
*While woo puts the sheets to wash kyun wakes up*
Kyun: where are the bed sheets
*Kyun walks out the room*
Jae: hi kyun
Jisung: why  are you shirtless, you always told us that you don't like to sleep shirtless
Kyun: its because the shirt was itchy so i took it off
Jisung:oh ok
*Woo sees kyun and he runs to the restroom*
*Kyun goes to the restroom*
*They see each other in the restroom*
Kyun: woo!!
Woo: kyun!!
*Kyun remembers what happened last night*
Kyun:we did it last night
Woo:i know, but we need to be quite because then jae and jisunh are suspecting us
Kyun:oh ok, but does that mean where dating
*They walk out the rest- room successfully*
*At the table eating breakfast and woo and kyun are sitting next to each other*
*Kyun trying to hold woon's hand*
Woo whispers: kyun stop
*Kyun stops but then tries again*
*Woon holds his hand*
2 days later at school
Kyun:jae and jisung meet me in the restaurant after school
Jae and Jisung:ok
*Later in the after school*
Jae and jisung:hi kyun
Kyun; hi
Jae and jisung:hi woo
Woo and Kyun: we have something to tell you
Jae and jisung : yhea ok
Kyun and woo:
Where dating
Jae and jisung:WHAT!!, yall are dating since when
Kyun: 2 days ago when we where in youre house and sorry for you're bedsheets
Jae: oh wow, well we will support yall at all cost
Woo:ok thank you, should we eat something
Jisung: yes, dig in
*After eating* kyun and woo go home*
*Jae and Jisung walking home*
Jae : sorry for my bed sheets? - sorry for my bed sheets? what does that mean?
Jisung: i dont know
Jisung: wwhhaait
*Jae and Jisung looking at each other and realizing what it meant*
Jae and Jisung: eeeeewww
Next day at school
*Woo and Kyun walking in class holding hands and sitting next to each other*
*Jae and jisung walk in *
Jae: wow its weird now
Jisung: yup
Kyun: i dont care if you tell everyone else
Jisung: its cool
*Everyone at school now knows that sungwoo and Bae Kyun are dating*
Random guy: hey Sunk Min do you know that woo and Kyun are dating.
Sunk Min: What,there dating, call jahyun and woo bin
Random guy:ok
Last day of school before summer
Principal: everyone have a wonderful summer and stay safe hope to see you next year, bye
Kyun: woo I got a trip to the beach lets go
Woo: ok lets go
3 days later at the beach
Kyun: its pretty right, lets go in
Woo: ok
*They go swimming*
*They get out of the ocean*
Woo:oh, im thirsty can you go buy me i drink
Kyun:yhea, wheres you're wallet
*Woo gives Kyun his wallet*
*Kyun goes and buy's drink's for them*
*When kyun comes back but dosent see woo*
Kyun: woo-woo-woo-SUNG WOO!!!
*Kyun drops the drinks and starts trying to find woo*
*Kyun calls the police*
police: sir please calm down, talk to us slowly
Kyun: please find my boyfriend
Police: ok sir, we will send some cops over there
Kyun: ok thank you
*Police arrives*
Police : ok, where here to find a person
Kyun: yes here
Police: ok, please report the incident
Kyun:so i went to go get some drinks for me and my boyfriend, then when i got back he wasn't here
Police: ok, do you know the name of the person
Kyun: oh yes his name is woo, here is his id
*Kyun show's the police woo's id*
Police:ok, we will start to search for the person
5 hours past of searching
Police:sorry sir we couldn't find the person we will come tomorrow
Kyun: no, please keep searching for him
Police: sorry, sir we need to go
Kyun:no please
Police: sorry sir
*The police leaves*
*Kyun stays at the beach and keeps trying to find woo*
*Kyun stays up until 5 am to find sung woo*
Kyun:woo-woo-SUNG WOO!!, please come back
*Kyun starts crying*
*He starts hitting the sand*
*Then he starts walking to a bar*
*He starts drinking until he gets drunk*
*He starts to walk back to his house*
*It starts raining*
*Kyun fall's in the floor and starts thinking about the memories with sung woo*
What Happened To Sung Woo
*Sungwoo gives kyun his wallet to go buy drinks*
*While he waits , someone kreeps on him and makes him pass out with a towel and alcohol*
*He wakes up in a dark room*
Sung Woo:where am I, got to get out of here
*He notices that he is tied up to a chair*
Sungwoo: uh ,who did this to me
*A guy with a mask walks close to him*
Sungwoo:who are you and why am i tied up here
The guy with the mask: im somebody that you know
Sungwoo: uh, please get me out of here
The guy with the mask: no I cant this is to fun.
Sung woo: get me out of here  , or else kyun will come and find you
The guy with the mask: ha, kyun is not going to find you, he got drunk and he is sick right know he's not going to find you.
Sungwoo: whait a second you have pink hair are you Sunk Min.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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