Chapter 6

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This chapter is for @mayfrommmtok

Seungmin and Hyunjin had adjusted to married life a little better than anyone expected. They complemented each other well and they had good chemistry with each other. Hyunjin was working as a CEO in one of the many Hwang companies and he worked hard so that he could get enough experience before he takes over his father's place as the official owner of the Hwang corporations.

Seungmin on the other hand, was taking his role of being a supportive husband very well. He cooked, cleaned and did most of the household chores pretty well. Hyunjin offered to hire some maids to do the chores but Seungmin refused saying that he'd have nothing to do if Hyunjin were to hire helpers.

Hyunjin was amazed by how humble and hardworking Seungmin was. Considering that he was from a rich household, Hyunjin expected Seungmin to have at least a little bit of ego but no, Seungmin was one of the most humble, down to earth person Hyunjin had ever met.

Overall, the two had been getting along well with each other inspite of having an arranged marriage.

After a long day's work, Hyunjin returned home. After parking his car, he went into the house expecting Seungmin to be in the kitchen but he was surprised to see that the kitchen was empty with no sign of a human.

Maybe he's taking a nap. He must be tired from all the chores he does daily.

But Seungmin was not in their bedroom either. Hyunjin searched for Seungmin all around the house before going up to the rooftop. And there he found Seungmin, holding a camera and humming a song to himself.

He looked absolutely breathtaking. Seungmin was wearing an oversized button up shirt with black pants. He hair was ruffled up by the wind and his face looked absolutely beautiful with the rays of the sunset shining upon his face.

Hyunjin felt his breath taken away by the stunning boy before him.

I must have done something great in my past life to be able to have this bliss

Hyunjin got have spend the whole evening just staring at Seungmin but to his awfully rotten luck, a bee came buzzing near his face all of sudden making his eyes widen.

"Ah!!! Agh!!!!!" Hyunjin waved his hands around trying to shoo the bee away.

"Hyunjin!? What are you-"

Before Seungmin could finish his question, Hyunjin felt himself trip and he fell down face down on the roof 's floor.

Hyunjin got up quickly and rubbed his nose which he had hurt while falling.

I made a fool of myself in front of Seungmin! God...I wish the floor could swallow me up!!!

"Seungmin I-" Hyunjin looked up at Seungmin expecting him to look at him as if he were a fool. He didn't expect to see Seungmin holding a hand to his mouth trying hard to hold his laughter in.


"I'm sorry I- puhahahaha...I just...hahaha...I'm sorry for hahaha laughing but" Seungmin had tears forming in his eyes from laughing. One of his hands was on his stomach while the other was holding his camera.

"Yah!!!!! Don't laugh at your husband!!!" Hyunjin pouted.

"I'm sorry!!! It's fell down so comically and I - hahaha" Seungmin had crouched down while laughing at Hyunjin.

Seeing Seungmin laugh, Hyunjin started laughing along finding the situation funny as well. After their laughing session ended, Seungmin got up and offered a hand to Hyunjin.

"Are you okay? I hope the fall wasn't too bad. I'm sorry for laughing at you, I couldn't help it" Seungmin smiled at Hyunjin

Hyunjin took the hand that Seungmin offered him and got up.

"Nah it's alright. I had a good laugh too. And it was also my first time seeing you laugh so heartily so I'm happy that my clumsiness got you to laugh" Hyunjin grinned at Seungmin which made the latter blush and duck his head down shyly.

"So you like taking pictures?" Hyunjin asked

"Yeah...I'm not great at it though, it's just a hobby." Seungmin shyly answers.

"Can I see them?"


"Can I see the pictures you took?"

"Um...sure...they're not that great though." Seungmin hands Hyunjin his camera.

Hyunjin carefully takes the camera from Seungmin and goes through the pictures he had taken. Now, Hyunjin was no professional but anyone would say that Seungmin had a talent in taking pictures. The pictures had beautifully captured every single hue of the sunset and Hyunjin was awestruck by how well the pictures were taken.

"These are absolutely beautiful, Seungmin! Wow!! You're such a great photographer!!!" Hyunjin looked at Seungmin making the younger blush once again.

"Don't exaggerate Hyunjin...I'm not that great...." Seungmin says shyly rubbing his nape.

"I'm serious!!! These are really great!!! You're so talented Seungmin!!!!"

"Um...not really but thank you.. that's means a lot!" Seungmin smiles up at Hyunjin

Hyunjin felt warmth creep up in his chest because of that warm smile directed towards him. Without even thinking about what he was doing, Hyunjin stooped down a bit and gave Seungmin's forehead a small peck.

Seungmin's eyes widened and he felt his face heat up. He lifted his hands to touch the place where Hyunjin kissed him and looked up at Hyunjin with a  shocked look.

Hyunjin on realising his actions blushed. He didn't know what had taken over him to do that but seeing Seungmin's cute flushed face gave him satisfaction.

"I-...uh....I'll go set dinner so you go take a shower and come down!!!!" Seungmin says quickly and runs down to the kitchen.


Hyunjin smiled thinking about Seungmin's adorably flushed face. He didn't get why he was so enamored with this boy he met only a while ago. But one thing was for sure.

"Kim Seungmin, you're making me crazy"


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was quite short and boring but I hope you at least liked it.

Also!!!! I got 800+ reads and 100+ votes!? How!? Why!?

Why are y'all reading this!? I still don't get it!!!!! 😖😖😖

Thank you so much!!!

I love y'all ❤️

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