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Far north, where the wind was stale and the trees were covered in snow, one dragon flew. His wings were massive and his eyes were as green as a lush forest.

The dragon looked down at the ground, he sighed and dove down and landed smoothly on the snowy earth, his feet crunched in the snow and it made a shiver go up his spine.

"Us Night furies aren't meant to be in this weather, why of all places would we meet here?" The dragon grumbled to himself.

He started to walk towards the high mountain on the island, hearing nothing but the snow crunching under his talons and a bird called every once in a while, his ears stayed pricked and alert.

His feet brought him to a clearing he had not seen in so long, it gave him memories that warmed his insides, the place that once was here was gone, but he would always remember he had with his human friend.

"Toothless! Your late come over here!" A voice called.

The dragon turned around to see his daughter and some other Night furies and Light furies.

Toothless dipped his head in respect and walked over and sat down with the other dragons.

"I'm sorry for my late arrival." He murmured.

The largest dragon growled, he was a Night fury with multiple battle scars, one of his eyes was missing and his scales made him look like a living shadow, and he had large orange eyes that looked like lava.

The large dragon just nodded his head, "Don't be late next time, your not the alpha anymore." He growled.

"Of course Fearless." Toothless murmured. He didn't like Fearless, he didn't trust him either, he was cruel and didn't listen to what other dragons had to say. Thank Thor he wasn't the alpha of the spiritual dragon world.

"You're still my Alpha..." His mate Sapphire murmured to him.

"Thank you, but he's right." Toothless said licking the top of the Light fury's head.

"Anyway, let's get down to business." Dart, their daughter, said obviously feeling uncomfortable with her parents being all nuzzled up in each other.

"Alright, I agree, we all had a dream about human children, but we don't know what it means." Toothless said.

Emerald, Sapphire's sister, nodded in agreement.

"Then what DOES it mean?" A voice came up from behind them.

All the dragons turned to see Ruffrunner, Toothless's second son.

"What are you doing here? You never got a message from a human child." Fearless growled.

"I didn't, but she did." Ruffrunner said and looked behind him, a female Night Fury stepped out and nodded at all of them, her eyes were a light blue and white, indicating she was blind.

"Mother?" Toothless asked.

"Yes, Toothless, and you're not a dragonet anymore, call me Farsight. Anyway, I got a child that had been chosen for me in my dreams. Your son also had a vision, but not of a child, of a prophecy." Farsight said softly.

"Well, tell us." Fearless said and nodded to Ruffrunner.

Toothless's son sighed and nodded, and walked over and sat beside them. He took a deep breath.

"Six dragons are connected into one, humans and dragons alike must find one another. The soul of the dragon will be found through the senses of the unknown. Breathing the Sacred Flame will make human's wings soar. One of adventure, one of curiosity, one of discouragement, one of thoughtfulness, one of cheer, and one of fear. Together they will rise to the top, so humans and dragons will not be stopped." Ruffrunner said and breathed out.

Humans to dragonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora