Chapter 2

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"Alright scouts, one at a time." The scouts all flooded out of the campervan in excitement. This was the trip they've all been waiting for since the winter. All the training and practice lead up to this moment. "Now, we need to find a good spot for our camp sight."

"Oh! How about-" Lafayette started to run. As soon as he reached a good spot, he stopped. "Here?"

"Good choice. Well done, Lafayette!" Washington praised the boy. "Everyone, get out your tents. You will share one with your camping buddy. I need three volunteers to help me set up the tents while everyone else collects sticks for the fire.

"Me! Me! Me!"

"Aaron, Eliza and Maria it is." Washington pointed at the three. "Everyone else, gather wood and sticks. Please, try not to wander too far from the campsite. That means you Alexander." Alex threw up his hands in surrender. "Am I clear?"

"Yes, Mr. Washington!" They all answered as they pulled out their tents and brought them over.

"Good. Now run along scouts." The children grabbed hand with their scout buddies except Angelica grabbed hands with Peggy and Charles went on his own. Washington turned to his three volunteers and got to work


"I bet I can get more sticks than you, Thomas." Alexander challenged.

"Well then, you sure are in for disappointment!" Thomas accepted the challenge. The next thing they knew, Alex was practically dragging John in one direction while Thomas dragged James in the other.

Alexander and John slowed down when they got a little deeper into the forest. They started their search for sticks, hand in hand. Within five minutes, they both had their hands full.

"Alex, I think we have enough sticks. Can we go back?"

"In a second, John. We need a few more." Alex put his sticks under one of his arms and used his free hand to grab John's free hand. They took one more look around and Alexander noticed another stick in the distance. "There's one more." Alex ran to it and dragged John with him. What he didn't realize was once he got to it, his hand that held John's was empty. He bent down and grabbed the stick.

"Alex?" Alexander whipped around. He saw John had dropped all his sticks and was hugging his knee to his chest. Guilt started to build up inside as he ran over to him, dropping his sticks into John's pile

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just tripped and skinned my knee." Alex grabbed his hand and helped him up. "Ouch!"

"Does it hurt, John?"

"A little bit."

"Here." Alexander bent down and John climbed onto his back. "Let's head back."

"But what about the sticks?"

"You're more important, John. My dad will understand. Besides, I can beat Thomas at something else." Alex left the pile of sticks as he carried his best friend on his back.


"Look at all the sticks I found, Angie!" Peggy held a piled of sticks in her arms. Angelica picked up the last stick and brought her attention to her little sister.

"Good job, Peggy! I think we have more than enough."

"Let's start heading back."


Peggy gasped.

"What was that?" She jumped behind her sister. "Was it a monster?"

"Peggy, there are no monsters."


"Then how do you explain that sound, Angie?" Angelica let go of her hand and stepped towards the bushes. Her heart pounding in her chest as she reached out her hand and-

"HERCULES MULLIGAN!" Hercules popped up from the bush. Startled from the sudden movement and shouting, the two sisters screamed. The next thing they heard was laughter. Lafayette came out from behind a different bush.

"Nice one, Herc!" He praised his camping buddy as they high-fived.

"N-Not funny g-guys!" Peggy trembled as Angelica held her and attempted to calm her down.

"Mr. Washington wants us to meet back at the campsite now." Herc mentioned.

"Okay!" The scouts all held their sticks as they made their way back.


"Huh?" Peggy stopped, clutching the sticks closer to her chest. She looked around, trying to figure out what made that sound.

"Peggy! Let's go!" Angelica called.

"Coming!" Peggy brushed off her curiosity and ran to catch up with the others.

-Time skip-

Washington hammered the last tent into place. The campsite was ready. The only thing they needed was the wood for the fire.

"We're back!" Right on time! Washington turned to see Thomas, James and Charles with their hands filled with sticks.

"Nice work, scouts!" The three boys dropped their sticks and joined with Eliza, Aaron and Maria.

"We have more sticks!" Laf called as he, Herc, Angelica and Peggy dropped theirs into the pile.

"We have enough sticks for three days. Now let's- wait a moment. Where are Alexander and John?"

"Right here, sir!" Alex arrived with John on his back, exhausted. He put his friend down on one of the sitting logs and collapsed to the floor. "I need...a minute." He hyperventilated.

"You didn't collect any sticks Alex?" Thomas teased.

"No, I didn't. John got hurt and I had to leave my sticks behind to carry him." He explained as Washington examined John's scrape.

"That's not too bad." The pulled out the first-aid kit and grabbed the rubbing alcohol. He dabbed some onto a cloth and cleaned his wound. Once he was done cleaning, he stuck a bandaid on it. "How does that feel, John?" The boy stood up and walked around, not feeling any pain.

"Better! Thanks Mr. Washington!"

"That was a good thing you did, Alexander." Washington went into his pocket and pulled something out. "You've earned your friendship badge." He stuck the badge onto his son's stash.

"Thank you, sir!"

"Good job, Alex." Thomas patted his friend's back. "I have to admit, that wasn't fair game, so won't count my "win." However, I will beat you in the next challenge." Thomas chuckled. Alexander gave him a cocky grin.

"It's on!"

Chapter 2 folks! What did you think? Alex is such and good friend. What was the other snap Peggy heard? Who knows! (Me) The party is getting started! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting. By the way, your comments always make me laugh. Anyways, stay safe! Love you all!

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