Chapter 6

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Alex didn't let go of Thomas's hand as they followed Washington through the forest. It just made him Although, there was another feeling he couldn't shake, but him only being eight years old, he didn't pay much attention to it. Right now, he wanted to find his friends and go home. This trip was really starting to scare him.

"We're almost there." Washington tried to reassure.

"I hope everyone is okay." Thomas spoke as he gently pulled Alex along.

"I'm sure they will be just fine." They all stopped in front of a small cave. Alex gulped in fear.

"Maybe we should've stood at the campsite!" He let go of Thomas's hand and backed up a bit. Washington and Thomas turned around to face the boy.

"But Alex-"

"ALEX! THOMAS!" Everyone stopped to see who that was calling. It was Lafayette.

"Laf?! What are you doing here?" Alex asked. Once Lafayette caught up to them, he hyperventilated.

"!" Was all he could make out.

"NIGHTGROWLER?!" Alex stuck to Thomas like glue as he started shaking. "This is too much! I wanna go home!"

"But mon petit lion, we have to find our friends!" Laf worried.

"And we will." Thomas spoke. "Scouts don't leave behind other scouts, right guys?"

"Oui!" Washington nodded and the others looked at Alexander. Alex sighed an nodded along.

"Let's do this together." Washington lead the group with Laf following closely and Thomas holding Alex's hand. There was no telling what they could be facing. A couple of strange noises could be heard making Alex jump and cling to Thomas even more.

After a half an hour of walking in the cave, Alex got a little tired. However, he did try to ignore the ache in his feet. It probably wasn't too safe to rest. Thomas noticed he was tired, so he stopped and carried Alexander on his back. This surprised the petite boy, but he wasn't complaining. A break is a break. Laf and Washington quickly shared a look before the young French boy wandered off. Alexander closed his eyes for a split second, but when he opened them, Lafayette was gone! He panicked a bit.

"Guys, where's Laf?!" Washington stopped and took a look around. Thomas did the same still carrying his friend on his back.

"I don't see him!" Thomas yelled. He glanced at Washington who nodded before vanishing. Alex frantically looked around, not noticing that Washington was gone until the last minute.

"Now Mr. Washington's gone!" Alex got off Thomas's back.


The boy jumped.


"Thomas-" Suddenly, a giant figure stood in front of the two boys. Alex froze.

"Run Alex!" Thomas shouted as he grabbed his friend's hand and sprinted. The figure followed close behind. The snarls and growls in made as it followed where sickening. As they ran, Thomas let go of Alex's hand and run to hide behind a rock. He chuckled a bit as the boy kept running. Laf popped out from behind him and they fist bump.

Alex kept running as the figure continued to follow. He soon found himself out of luck when he ended up in a dead end of the cave. He jumped when he heard a growl and whipped around. The figure had found him and crept over.

"P-Please don't h-hurt me...M-Mr. Nightgrowler!" He begged. "I'm sorry!" He squeezed his eyes shut, waiting to be eaten when the sound of laughter can from the figure. The boy opened his eyes with tears running down his cheeks. The figure pulled off it's cloak and it revealed Washington with Peggy on his shoulders. All the other kids came out of hiding and laughed.

"Gotcha Alex!" John laughed.

"You should see the look on your face buddy!" Herc joked as well.

"W-what? You guys are all o-okay?" Alex asked in confusion and wiped his tears.

"Of course we are Alex." Angelica reassured.

"We just wanted to teach you a lesson for scaring us with your "Nightgrowler" story." Maria admitted.

"So this whole thing was a set up? Everyone disappearing and the worry?" They all giggled and nodded. Alex sighed in relief. He didn't even care about the thing being staged. He was just glad that his friends were alive.

"Well scouts, I believe now would be a good time to go home." Washington spoke. Alexander nodded and they all walked back to the campsite.

*Time skip brought to you by a genius plan*

Washington drove the bus out of the forest and down the rode. It would be some time until they reached Manhattan. Most of the children laughed and talked about the "adventure" they had. In the very back of the bus, Alexander was asleep against Thomas who was also asleep. With the mystery of the Nightgrowler solved a new mystery came to mind. 'What does the future have in store?'

Hey guys! So I finally finished the last chapter! School sucks! Class was boring! I got most of my work done, but I'll deal with that later. Thank you all so much for reading. I'm sorry for the wait. I love you all. Have a good day/night! Peace!

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