Chapter 14: Haniel

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Haniel leaned against the wall, then sank to the floor, letting out a pent-up sigh. His muscles ached. His skin was scratched and bleeding in various places. Bruises flowered in inconvenient spots. Haniel winced as ice-cold water soaked into his shorts. Everything hurt, but he welcomed the pain; all of this was his fault, anyway.

Through the dark atmosphere, Haniel perceived Mavet's shadow glide across the bars of their cell, pacing ceaselessly. Across the room, another cell containing Chaya and Irvin could have been mistaken for empty, because both boys sat motionless, huddled in a corner for warmth. The prison was deep within the cave, where hardly a ray of light found their eyes. Haniel's were still trying to adjust to the darkness after nearly a half hour of sitting there. He wished he knew where they'd taken Del; she was carted off to a place even deeper within the cave the moment they left the conference room.

"Mavet, how are you feeling?" Chaya whispered from across the room.

"Okay, I guess," Mavet grumbled. His footsteps continued to echo against the stone walls. "I've stopped bleeding, anyway. Still hurts, though."

"We need to get you medical attention if- when we get out of here," Irvin said.

"That's not important right now." Mavet was silent a moment, then his footsteps suddenly stopped. "They tried to specifically kill me, but Trevor got mad at the woman who stabbed me. He said something about a plan and Lucifer. It doesn't make any sense."

"Isn't Lucifer connected with demons, not angels?" Chaya questioned.

"Yeah, that's what's bugging me. Why would an angel be connected with the guy who runs the other side?"

"Maybe they've turned rogue?" Irvin suggested. "Maybe not all angels are like Trevor?"

Mavet let out a frustrated sigh. "I'd hope not, but considering the fact that they're plotting to destroy humanity, we should assume they're all a threat. After the archangel lie, I don't think we should trust any of these two-faced– "

"Shh, someone's coming!" Chaya yelped.

Mavet quieted himself just as Haniel heard footsteps come around the corner. He shielded his eyes when the angel flicked on a flashlight. Haniel stood up and walked to the edge of his cell, glaring daggers at the newcomer.

"Which one of you is the leader of this circus?" the angel barked.

"I'd prefer to call it an expedition for truth, but it's me you're looking for," Haniel said.

"Trevor would like to question you now. You will comply with every request, or he will be forced to use rather extreme measures to extract the answers from you." The angel yanked open the door. "I suggest you comply."

"Whoa, whoa, wait!" Mavet shouted. He blocked Haniel's path, squaring up against the angel. "What are you doing with him?"

"Nothing that concerns you," the angel said. "Move aside, or you will be moved."

"Make me!"

"Mavet, it's okay," Haniel urged, stepping between him and the angel. "There's no need to get hurt for me. I'll be back in one piece, promise. They said they need us, right?"

Mavet set his jaw. "Fine. But if there's a single scratch on you when you get back, I'm giving them hell."

The angel roughly grabbed Haniel and shoved him outside the cell, then locked Mavet back inside. Chaya and Irvin cried out for the angel not to hurt Haniel, but the angel ignored them, growling for Haniel to move. Haniel allowed himself to be pushed blindly through the cavern, navigating many twists and turns until he was finally shoved into a well-lit room. Trevor was already there, along with two guards that were at least twice his size. Haniel was thrown into a chair and strapped down.

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