Chapter 4

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Namjoon's POV

We all went to the storage room after Taehyung and things got a little bit heated between the two and we all just put our heads down in shame. Taehyung suddenly felt very guilty and he stormed off. 

Jungkook then all of a sudden stormed off in the direction of Hoseok and we followed him since he's the new kid and he doesn't know his way around the school.

"Yo Kook! Where the fuck are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to go have a chat with your friend Hoseok." he replied. Knowing Jungkook very well since he is my neighbour I knew this wasn't going to be good.

Jungkook's POV

I honestly don't why I'm going after some stranger's cheating boyfriend. But I know how it feels. I may not have ever gotten cheated on but I do currently have a gold-digging girlfriend. You're probably wondering why I haven't left her sorry ass yet... well that's a story for another day.

I finally reached the washroom with the other boys behind me and I saw Hoseok and Jackson holding each other while Hoseok cried.

"I didn't mean to hurt him, it's just he's like a brother to me so when he asked me to be his boyfriend I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I said yes but then I met you and I didn't know what to do so I just thought I could have you both..." Hoseok cried out.

"But you can't." Jimin said. Hoseok and Jackson suddenly stood up and just stood there shaking and wide-eyed. Jin suddenly walked over and slapped Hoseok. Everyone just stood there with their mouth agape while Hoseok held his cheek and Jin was breathing in deeply whilst glaring at him. 

"Hoseok I have 3 words for you, Bros before Hoes. You, Jimin, and Taehyung are my best friends. But after what you did today you clearly broke that friendship. Taehyung isn't a child, you could have rejected him or told him how you saw him as but no you decided to take the cowards way out." Jin ranted.

"He's right. Hoseok if you had a problem you could have told us instead of letting us find out like this. The fact that you let Tae have a gut feeling you were cheating shouldn't be good but no he had one."

I suddenly came forward and stood infront of Hoseok. "I may not have known any of you except for Joon for a very long time, but I want you to think for a moment how Jackson or Tae would have felt. Jackson who knows you're cheating but still has to share. As his 'boyfriend', think about how he feels knowing that he has to share his boyfriend with another guy, Hoseok. Or Taehyung, who got cheated on for the second time, after his 'boyfriend' told him he would treat him like a queen, Hoseok." I said and he suddenly just fell to his knees and started apologizing to Jackson and Taehyung. 

"I'm sorry Jackson, I didn't mean to make you feel like a side piece I swear." he said as he bawled his eyes out. "I'm sorry Taehyung, you deserve someone so much better than me, someone who is not a piece of shit."

Jackson then came over and hugged Hoseok. "Hobi, I forgive you and I still love you and I hope you will start treating me as your special one." Hoseok nodded and got his cheek kissed by Jackson. 

Then Jin started speaking, "Jimin and I are really sorry for yelling at you, and knowing Tae he has a very good heart so he will just need to calm down for a bit then he'll talk to you. But that was a good heart you took advantage of and that's nothing we could ever forgive you for. So you'll have to earn our trust back, capische?" 

"Capische, and I'm really sorry guys for breaking your trust." Hoseok said and Jin and Jimin just said good.

Yoongi who has said nothing the entire time finally spoke, "Hoseok I don't hate you, but if you or anyone else here hurt TaeTae again, I'll shove a stick up your ass 'till it hits your brain." Everyone just looked at him like he was crazy but they understood where he was coming from, afterall Tae was like their baby. 

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