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The creature shot out her arm, black claws digging deep into the orange fish. The thing was pale, to the point where it was translucent, organs visible. Its mockery of hair floated around its twisted face.

Large, unblinking eyes took up most of its round face, the deep green almost seeming to hide a bright glow within. The sharp, pointed teeth were sharklike and the thin, darting tongue that of a snake.

It licked its pink lips as it stared at the squirming, bleeding fish. Sinking her teeth into the wriggling creature, it let out an inhuman moan. Blood trickled out of its mouth and dropped onto its black tail.

Ripping off its head, the mermaid demolished the fishes spine and then popped out its eyeballs. It poked the slimy spheres and cackled to itself, popping them into its mouth and biting down hard. The juices were squished out of the eyes and mixed with the blood dripping down her chin.

A loud noise came from above and the creature hissed, clawing itself under a ledge in the black stone.

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