Chapter 1

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AU: This is the second in the series. Please comment. Lucy and Jamie belong to me.

Also Comment, the more comments the sooner you get the next chapter.

Jamie sat in the mailroom flipping through fan letter after fan letter addressed to Steve Rogers, the great Captain America.

He snorted, yeah right. They should be addressed to the great American asshole. Granted Steve was nothing but a polite saint, but he was far from progressive based on his interviews.

Jamie was a loud and proud gay man. He hadn't always been, his parents were pretty conservative and when he'd told them, well let's just say it didn't go over all.

They'd disowned him. It wasn't unexpected, but there was a piece of Jamie that was hoping if he acted like the perfect child in every other respect they would want to keep him but no. He'd been kicked out on his ass at 16.

He'd done alright for himself. He was smart and had some friends he could go to until he got on his feet. He had persevered through his education, got his GED and even gone to college. Now at 25 he was a paid Stark intern. Granted he was shoveling through mail, but it was still paid and Stark paid his employees very well.

His life was great, he had a job, an apartment, friends, money in the bank, it was all great except for one small little detail. That was his soul mark.

It sat proudly across his right hip ever since he got it at the age of 18. When it first showed up he had been so proud. Before even thinking of going down to the courthouse he'd looked up the name: Steven Grant Rogers. Several links popped up to old newsreels of Captain America in action.

Jamie's first thought was there must be another Steven Grant Rogers so he started searching, everywhere. But there was none. Apparently the name had been recognized on a national level. It was kinda like how you don't name your kid hitler, you didn't name your kid Steven Grant Rogers either.

It felt unreal. So he had hidden it away, thinking it was some kind of mistake by the universe, he didn't report it at the courthouse, and no one else had seen it so he just didn't mention it again.

And that worked until Captain America was pulled out of the ice a few years later, on his 21st birthday no less.

Jamie had thought about going down to the courthouse and recording his mark at that point, but he just couldn't do it. He couldn't do that to the world. Take their amazing hero and turn him gay. The political world would go insane. People would say his mark was fake and then they would drag Rogers into it. While the gay rights activists would be shouting at the roof tops about how this proved they were equals.

Jamie didn't want to become a political icon or figure. He just wanted to be a normal gay guy.

So he'd kept his distance from the super hero, watched him on TV, listened to his interviews where he talked about growing up catholic in the 1930s. He even mentioned that he was sad he was never able to meet his soul mate but he was sure she was amazing.

One of the problems with having a completely unisex name was his soulmate thought he was a girl from 1930 that had died.

It was fine, really he hadn't been planning to tell Steve he existed anyway. It still hurt though.

Just more proof that he would be an unwelcome presence in Steve's life.

Of course that hadn't stopped Jamie from getting a job at Avengers Tower. He hadn't been able to help himself. He knew who his soulmate was, he wanted to be close to the man, even if he never would reveal himself to Steve. Part of him still loved the giant idiot, even if said giant idiot could never love him back.

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