If Shannon made Sokeefe from Start to End

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Book One: When Fitz finds her. Imagine that keefe is with Him.

Fitz and Keefe light leap into San Diego. Sophie sees the most gorgeous boy she has ever seen. (It's Keefe by the way) She shyly walks over to him. She says hi. Fitz thinks that she is talking to him. He says "Hey beautiful" in a way-to-confident way.  She ignores him, and asks Keefe what his name is. Keefe says"Keefe." Fitz tries to steal the conversation again with:" Hey, You're an elf" Sophie says "Whatever" Then Keefe says "Um. So-Um. Um. You're an elf and you have special abilities." Sophie Answers "Really?" "Um. Yeah. I can take you to the lost cities if you want?" Sophie (happily) "Sure!" Fitz is glaring. period. End of story. 

Moral. Never be fitz

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