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Class of EXO (Trainee)

Power of Earth, Tank


Four words to describe Kyungsoo is, quiet, reserved, loyal, and protective.

Kyungsoo's mother was posessed by a dryad when she got pregnant with Kyungsoo and died moments after she gave birth. Kyungsoo's family having served the Oh family for years and years dating back to their ancestry, Kyungsoo was bound to do the same. When he was born, it was said that the trees in the courtyard leaned forward and seemed like they were bowing to their king. Kyungsoo, like Sehun has always known about his powers since he was young. People always knew Kyungsoo was special, flowers automatically bloomed when he was around and grass would turn green even though snow was about to fall. Vines would come and lift him up as he played as a child.

Kyungsoo had grown up knowing that his sole purpose was to protect Sehun from harm and he takes his purpose seriously. Where there is Sehun, there is Kyungsoo. The latter always following orders without delay, doubt or suspicion, Kyungsoo's first priority is to maintain Sehun's orders. Kyungsoo's skill set makes him a tank. Though slow and steady, Kyungsoo is able to conjure rocks and dirt, stacking them up to create a wall. The wall does not do direct damage if the enemy is able to avoid but it minimizes the damages by the enemies. Trees are able to grow from the ground and vines are able to wrap around their enemies to hold them down, making it easier for Front Liners to kill them off.

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