The New Student : Part 6

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This story contains trigger warning, harm, sensitive content and a few bad words! If you are uncomfortable with my content please do not read!

None of this happened in reality and this story is not criticizing or labelling anyone, especially idols and names used. This is just a story I wrote from my imagination!

"Zi Hao..? Can i tell you something and keep it a secret? Can i trust you?" He looked at me and nodded "Sure." I sighed a bit, "Zi Hao.. I think I'm in love with Han Yu.." He widened his eyes and gave me an 'are you serious' look. "It's not good right?" He shrugged, "I don't know. Falling in love is normal i guess.." his expression was a bit down. I nodded. "Well.. see you tomorrow Zi Hao. Thank you for bringing me home." I said as i waved goodbye to him. "Bye. See ya." He smiled a bit as he started to walk away.

I opened the door and went in and sighed. "What have you done to me Han Yu?" I told myself. Then i went up to my room and put my bag in the floor. Took off my uniform and wore my pyjamas and sat on the bed. I sat there thinking for about a half an hour until i heard the doorbell. I went running downstairs and opened the door finding Han Yu. He didn't even look at me he was just looking at his phone and came in.

"Hey.." i said and i closed the door. "Hi." He simply said still with his attention on his phone. Wow. He went to his room and closed the door. I sighed. What is wrong with this boy? What did that Seonghyun do to him? I was sitting by the kitchen table when i saw him coming down the stairs all dressed up. I hurriedly stood up and ran after him before he left. "Hey where are you going?" I asked. He turned to me "I'm going out with Seonghyun." I blinked "and where? Are you going to take long?" I asked again. "Yeah i guess.. somewhere eating." He put his hands in his pockets still looking at me.

He's gonna take long?? "What about dinner together? And cooking together?" I told him since i hate eating alone plus i got used to cook with him. He shrugged and just said a 'what can I do'. I looked at him with an 'are you serious?' Look. "Seriously? You're going to leave me alone?" I said. He glared a bit at me "What? Can't I go out? Besides, it's better than staying here." He told me with a bit of a harsh voice. I widened a bit my eyes and nodded. "Sure okay.. but be careful okay? And don't go too far away." I told him since i care and I don't want anything to happen to him.

He shook his head "I'm not a child. I can take care of myself. And besides why do you care so much?" He chuckled and went out the house. Why is he so mean to me? I kept staring at the door before I could feel tears falling down on my cheek. I went down on my knees and cried. "Why do i care so much? Because I love you Han Yu..." i covered my face and kept crying.

~End of part 6~

The New Student - Jia HanyuWhere stories live. Discover now