The Tutorial

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Ha- you thought you were going to get an ending? This is the hallmark channel- nothing has an ending here. Just like the dark abyss in my heart. Now to have the iconic I was just beaten and smacked on my thighs please call the po look you must need.
- An unstable ladder
- an inverted foot
- a friend and or parent to buy the ice cream after
- money. You gotta have money or you won't survive in this unforgiving world.

Hope you enjoyed- now shoo you little pest.
(If you were somehow offended by this story I am truly sorry, I never mean to be mean to you or your species unless your TRISHA DOWN THE STREET WHO LETS HER KIDS YELL INTO THE BOTTOMLESS VOID AND LET THERE DOG TAKE A DUMP ON MY LAWN. (removed skit for cringe reason, wish I could delete all of my cringe but unfortunately I'm not part computer)

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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