You're Not Supposed to Look Like That

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Author's note: Part 2 is here, finally!
I really want to thank Arianna3202138 for their help in writing this chapter and the next one!! Without their help I probably wouldn't have finished this project. Check out their account!

Also please ignore how the font of my quotes (" ") is really inconsistent, I was writing some on my laptop and some on my phone, lmao


Upon seeing the portal, the first thing the Garroth from another dimension experienced was panic.

Okay, alright, okay. He could do this. This wasn't a portal like in Starlight. Everyone was safe. Aphmau wasn't in danger, neither was Aaron. His brother wasn't in danger. I might be in danger, but it's okay.

With his unnatural (well, he hadn't known it was unnatural until not too long ago-) strength now further heightened by his relatively new werewolf strength, he was sure he could take whatever was about to be thrown at him.

The oldest Ro'Meave squared his shoulders, took a loud inhale, and let the portal pull him through to the other side.

The least thing he expected was to wind up in the middle of nowhere.

Trees, as far as the eye could see, obscured his view of the setting sun. Dim orange light filtered through dark leaves, leaving a tinge of evening smell to the air, and he saw a breeze rustle them, one he could not feel due to the sheer thickness of the forest.

"Ooookay. I'm in the woods somewhere," Garroth began speaking to himself, absentmindedly beginning to pace in a circle. "Walk. Walking, that's a start."

The blonde gathered his surroundings before turning on his heel, choosing a random direction to head down. He found his fuzzy ears occasionally pop out and twitch at the various noises of birds and forest things above and around him, and he made a conscious effort to make them sink back in - a trick that Aaron was still teaching him to perfect.

Alright, this was fine. A portal dropped him off in the middle of a forest somewhere, and he had no idea where he was or how to get back home - or better yet why he was even here. That was alright, if he just kept walking, maybe he'd understand. Eventually.

He continued on, peeling his eyes for any breaks in the forest, any roads or towns or buildings in sight. He had seen his fair share of woods, but this patch was definitely unfamiliar. He couldn't seem to find any familiar scents, either. After a few long minutes Garroth frowned, wondering if he'd be walking all afternoon before he found something.

After a half hour at least of walking, the Ro'Meave decided to search for another plan. He swung his head around, as if observing his surroundings for the twelfth time would show him something in a new light.

Okay, hold on. I'm sure if I use one of Lucinda's magic words I can get back the way I came no problem? Uh...

"''Portal pleaseopenus...' 'Abracaportal?' Um...-"

A scream.

Garroth was instantly yanked out of his focus mode, ears and tail immediately popping back out in his surprise. He cursed and began running towards the general direction of the sound of distress. The slightest inkling in his head saying that the scream was somewhat vaguely familiar made his feet take him faster.

After quite a bit of running, Garroth was met with a break in the forest. And a cave. And the back of a blonde woman dressed in odd clothing. And a familiar head of black hair, one icy blue eye staring at him from afar.

"Zane!" The oldest Ro'Meave called out, slowing his run to a trot to gradually get closer. "Oh, thank Irene I found you! Do you know where the heck we are? I heard-"

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