The Warlord Of Freezing Flames

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        "This pressure... what am I—" 

        It would appear that the Reverse Absofusion was successful.

        "Reverse Absofusion?" Satoru asked, looking down as he patted his body down, finding that he'd regained feeling once again as opposed to being half frozen earlier. 

        Yes, Reverse Absofusion. Normally, I only utilize my power to take that which I do not have. But being as it is my power, I am also able to bestow it as well. In other words, our minds and bodies are now one. 

        "I figured that much... but I still don't understand why this was entirely necessary. When you asked if I would receive your power as my own, I thought you meant that you'd be my companion, not use my body as a host!" Satoru exclaimed, somewhat frustrated that he'd been tricked. 

        I apologize for being deceitful. But you see, there was another reason why I desired you to host me. Openly moving about in this world would be dangerous for me as there are those who would seek my power for their own desires, something we dragons do not take kindly to. 

        "So you chose a complete stranger to bet on?" Satoru replied with a frown. "Isn't that a bit counter-intuitive?"

       Perhaps, yes. However, if I didn't think I could trust you, would I have done this to begin with? no. Besides, I couldn't send you into this world unprepared now could I?

        "You've got a point there. So how exactly does this work anyway?" 

        You feel my aura flowing through you, that much has been established. Now you must take hold of that feeling and manifest it into an outward force. Try freezing those stalagmites over there.

        Satoru shifted his gaze towards a group of towering stalagmites about ten yards away from him. He hadn't the faintest idea what he was doing, but if Kyurem was confident he could do it, he saw no reason not to try. Extending his index and middle finger, he took aim at the cluster of stalagmites and concentrated. But the more he tried, the more flustered he became at the lack of results. 

        You have to visualize it! magic doesn't come by force but by the power of mind and body in unison!

        "Visualize it? easy for you to say. It's hard to picture something that doesn't exist in my," he stopped upon realizing what he was about to say. "That's right... in my world it didn't exist. But I'm not in my world anymore am I?" Satoru muttered to himself. 

        It's difficult to fully accept isn't it? though your mind may have accepted the fate that has befallen you, your heart still remains defiant...

        "So that's what you meant by body and mind. I see now..." Satoru replied, turning to face the stalagmite cluster once more. "Then I guess it's time I started being completely honest with myself, right!?" Satoru declared, extending his two fingers outward in a determined manner. 

        As he did, sparks flew from his fingertips and trailed up his arms. A gust of chilling wind encircled him, blowing fiercely as he concentrated. 

        "I made a lot of stupid excuses in my life. I wasted that time and broke every promise I ever made like a complete dumbass," Satoru said bitterly as a bright blue orb formed before his fingertips. "But this time around, I'm done making excuses!" 

        The orb steadily grew as the power feeding it exploded into a thick beam of ice that powered into the stalagmites, freezing them from the ground up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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