The Pool

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Nick stood over the garden table, beer in hand, reviewing blueprints and trying his best to work. He was half listening to his employees and half listening to the commotion in front of him, attempting to ignore the distraction from the pool.  Out of the corner of his eye he could see a blur of brightly coloured children's swimsuits as they were tossed into the air and dunked under the cool water on this hot summers day.

Hot, that word didn't encompass his thoughts as he lost the battle to avoid distraction at the sight of their nanny in her tight fitting, white bikini, swinging his children around and laughing with them while they enjoyed every second of her company. She looked up at that moment and caught him looking, giving him a knowing look and her broadest smile which he returned with an even broader one, remembering what they'd done last night, and the night before, and the night before that. The voice of his colleague snapped him back to reality "Good God where do you find your nannies Hamilton?" Josh questioned, looking Charlotte over, his appreciation evident. Nick stiffened and his smile dropped as Josh waved casually at Charlotte and she smiled back at him in response, he held no claim over Charlotte but he sure as hell wasn't letting Josh anywhere near her.

"She's twenty-two, back off Josh" Nick all but growled at the man, which garnered him a few shocked looks around the table, he never spoke harshly with his colleagues and they were surprised and curious at this turn of events. "Hey... sorry man, I won't say anything else, let's get back to it shall we?" Josh held his hands up as he spoke, placating his boss the best he could, but still smiling in the direction of Charlotte.


Nick had gone inside for a fresh beer for himself and Josh after their other colleagues had left, as he came back out he bristled at the sight in front of him. Charlotte stood, still in only her bikini with his daughter on her hip and Nicholas standing guard at her side laughing at something Josh was saying as they talked at the side of the pool. He found himself speeding towards them as Josh moved to push a fallen strand of hair behind her ear. Nick needn't have worried as his mini me stepped forward, Nicholas junior put himself directly between Charlotte and Josh, his hand still outstretched but looking in shock at the small child currently cock blocking him. "No touching at the pool" came a little voice as his son frowned up at Josh, fiercely protecting his favourite person, leaving Nick grinning as he reached them pushing a beer into Josh's outstretched hand. "Sorry little man, I'll keep my hands to myself" Josh grinned at him as he moved to sit on a lounger "you got any snacks man?" he lazily asked Nick as he relaxed, pulling at the knot of his tie.

Nick sighed, he'd only just come back out, there was no way he was leaving Josh alone with Charlotte again, his lips curved in a slow smile, an idea coming to him. "Yeah sure, will you keep an eye on the kids? Charlotte, will you help me grab some food?" He grinned at her as he moved his plan into gear, leaving Josh dumbstruck with two kids climbing on the lounger with him as Charlotte followed him into the house.

"What are we.." Nick cut Charlotte off as they turned a corner, tugging her roughly against his body and pulling her face up to meet his in a heated kiss. She pulled back, brows furrowed, looking at him like he was crazy "What? You heard the boy, no touching by the pool" he shrugged as if this was the only barrier "we aren't by the pool anymore". Nick backed them towards the wall in the family room, knocking into the piano as they went, the noise of the keys adding to the sounds of their harsh breaths in between kisses as they both pulled at his shirt. Charlotte's back found the wall and he slid her up against it, her legs settling around his waist as they continued to kiss, a frenzy of hands whilst clothes were strewn around them.

Nick pulled back, watching Charlotte take deep breaths as he slid his hand slowly past the underside of her bikini top. "What were you and Josh laughing about?" Nick muttered against Charlotte's lips, finding her nipples pushing out into his hand as she drew in a sharp breath at his touch. "Nothing special, just polite chit chat" Charlotte responded as she slid her hand across his chest, a finger slowly tracing his abs. "Good, he has nothing special to say" Nick grunted as Charlotte slid her hand into his pants slowly, teasing the tip of his length, kissing his neck as she did so, she pulled back suddenly, looking him in the eye "are you jealous Mr Hamilton?" She half teased, half asked in earnest, head cocked to the side awaiting his response.

Was he jealous? He thought on it for a minute. He had reacted rudely to a comment from his employee for the first time ever, felt a sharp stab of anger at seeing the two laughing , rushed to her side and then dragged her away from his company... Yes, these were jealous actions, and they were completely foreign to him, a man usually in control of his actions and emotions. Unsure how to respond he paused, looking into Charlotte's eyes and unknowingly conveying his thoughts to her, her gaze softened "Oh Nick, I'm yours, don't you know that yet?" She looked down, speaking quietly, but sure of her words.

This was enough for Nick to lose all control, pulling her bikini top to the side he kissed her whilst he squeezed her soft breasts, marvelling at the drips of water that still clung to them, paying close attention to ensure he licked every last drip from her chest, her stomach, her hips, until he found himself on his knees before her. He could feel her pulse beating hard at her wrists as he held them to her side, sliding his hands to her waist and pulling her bikini bottoms down until she was completely bare before him. Nick looked up at Charlotte and found her gaze fixed intently on him, watching, waiting for what was to come, he moved slowly towards her center, savouring every breath, every shudder of anticipation before he couldn't stand it anymore.

Charlotte gasped as his tongue found her core, swirling around her clit as she leant on the wall to keep her knees from giving way. Nick savoured every moment, her sweet taste taking over him as he explored, testing her reaction. His pleasure tied to her moans, he pushed her further, pulling a knee gently over his shoulder, her thighs shaking around his head as he stroked them gently, encouraging her to let go, and boy did she. "Mmmm Nick God" she bit out as she released herself fully to him, he continued to lap at her core as she recovered, holding tight to her thighs to stop himself from going over the edge at the sight of her intense reaction. Satisfied he moved up her body, barely resisting the urge to bite his way, marking her clearly to show Josh to back the fuck off.

"I don't know what brought that on Nick but I hope Josh visits again soon" Charlotte half joked as she leant against the wall, shell shocked, recovering from their passionate encounter. Nick kissed her soundly, allowing her to taste herself on his tongue "he's never coming round here again" Nick confirmed resolutely,  kissing her again "But we can do this again soon without his presence" taking another quick peck Nick moved away from Charlotte. "Let's go and find the idiot some snacks shall we?" he smiled as he held his hand out to her, knowing he had just effectively marked his territory in a way that both excited and terrified him, and left him wondering what more he wanted from her.

A/N Finally huh? Was it what you expected?

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