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The uncomfortable aura Emil had built up during the walk, what with Lukas silently staring at him and Matthias occasionally attempting to flirt with him, had partially dispersed when they arrived at the park. Mr puffin hopped off his head and began pecking at grass, jumping around his feet.

Matthias smiled proudly. He knew Emil liked this park, even if it was a bit cloudy today. Instead of childish play equipment, or a vast manicured lawn this park was different. It was deliberately taken care of without harming the ecosystem. Wild flowers and tall, flowing bushes went free giving the atmosphere a hidden, protected vibe. Tall trees surrounded the area like a natural fence and there was a secluded tiny bridge going over a stream. The air was fresh and cool, the scent of the flowers gently drifting along. Simply put, it was peaceful.

Emil smiled a little, following the excited Mr Puffin around as Mr Puffin tried to interact with ducks and other birds.

"This was a good idea." Lukas whispered to Matthias, watching Emil fondly from under the shade of a pine tree.

Matthias nodded proudly, sitting down on the grass and picking at leaves like a child "I know right?! I have the best ideas! You just don't know it!"

After Mr Puffin gave up trying to make friends with the local animals, Emil scooped him up and walked back over to the others.

Yet before Emil could even get a word in, Lukas finally spoke "Let's go for a walk. We finally made it to the park, might as well enjoy it."

It seemed like a good enough plan for Emil, who nodded and silently began walking with the others.

It was quiet. Uncomfortable. Emil could have sworn both Matthias and Lukas were slowly getting closer to him on both sides. He tried to assure himself it was just his imagination. Even when Matthias's fingers brushed against his own like he was trying to hold hands, so Emil tucked his hands in his pockets. He thought when Matthias failed to hold his hand Matthias received a snarky look from Lukas. But it might have all been in his head.

"The clouds are getting worse. Should we head back?" Emil asked, finally breaking the silence.

Matthias looked up at the sky, then chuckled and shook his head "You worry too much! It's not going to rain! It's just some clouds."

Emil just nodded, not wanting to argue, and continued along. But once again the silence was broken by the ringing of bells.

Turning their heads, the three noticed an ice cream cart being pushed a bit away. That's when Matthias got another glorious idea "I know! Wait here Em, I'll get us ice cream!"

"But Matt I don't want-" aaand Matthias was already running off. Darn. Emil rolled his eyes and focused on the puffin on his shoulder, cooing softly as he had fallen asleep.

Lukas smirked when he realized it was just him and Emil now. Nice. Problem was, he didn't know what to say. He just occasionally moved closer.

And as if magic there was a loud crack of thunder, and then it started pouring rain as if the sky itself burst. It was almost comical to Emil how quickly it started raining. Almost.

When the thunder cracked, he jumped backwards in surprise and partial fear. He caught his breath for a moment, feeling stupid for being surprised by such a thing. But, the moment of mental scolding only lasted for a moment when he felt a body pressed against his own, warm arms wrapping around him from behind. A monotone, yet slightly amused voice in his ear as he got soaked by the rain.

"You aren't scared of lightning are you?" Lukas's voice was cool. Almost a pur. It was amusing how Emil jumped right into Lukas's chest. And now Lukas had Emil right where he wanted him. In his arms.

It was kind of nice, being held by another. Calming. Until Emil regained his senses. He barely knew the Norwegian! And now he's going to tease Emil for the fright from the sudden sound?! Emil glared at Lukas and squirmed "Let me go."

Lukas held the boy close. His arms wrapped around Emil's torso, holding him pressed against Lukas's chest. Emil's head fit perfectly under Lukas's chin. It was adorable. Like puzzle pieces. As if their bodies were perfectly made to cradle one another. Or at least in Lukas's mind. 

Emil continued to struggle. He was about to elbow Lukas in the stomach when there was another flash, and moments later a loud crack. Emil jumped, once again moving backwards against Lukas's chest. But the flinch was too strong and both boys went stumbling to the ground.

But Lukas kept his grip on Emil, making sure he didn't hurt himself. Besides, this was even better. Lukas was sitting down, Emil pressed against his chest with his head in the crook of Lukas's neck. Lukas's legs encircled the boys own, trapping him.

Emil was shocked for a moment, feeling Lukas tighten his grip around Emil and nuzzle his cheek. "What the fuck?!" 

Lukas inhaled Emil's scent. Lavender and licorice. Wonderful. He nuzzled against the boys soft cheek, dampened from the storm. It was blissful. He could get used to this. His eyes shot open however when he heard Emil curse. Did he go too far?

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