09: Safe Place

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We arrived at their house at exactly 5:30 in the evening. We saw alot of cars parked outside their house, we assumed that his parents invited alot of their friends to celebrate with his Dad. I changed my outfit at the backseat of Paolo's car earlier before we arrived here. I'm wearing a simple white dress and wore a doll shoes to match it.

Paolo was the first one to go out of his car because I am getting so nervous. I look at my face in his rearview mirror before going out. Paolo opened my door and asked for my hand. I held his hand & carried my small clutch. I left my backpack in his car, we'll just get it later.

"Pao, can you just go inside? I don't wanna go now." I looked at him nervously. He just chuckled, "Baby, it's gonna be okay. Mom & Dad won't bite. Beside, they already know you're coming." And he winked at me.

The nervousness I'm feeling doubled when we're already in their front door and he pushed their doorbell. We can already hear the voices of their family friends inside the house, someone was also singing a karaoke so I kinda loosen up because I remembered those birthday celebrations in the Philippines.

A woman opened the door for us, she looked like she's in her mid 20s, she looked like a Filipina with her brown eyes & black hair. I automatically assumed that she is Paolo's cousin on his Dad's side because she was wearing a tshirt with her name on it.

"Trina Andaya." I read her name in my mind. I think I read that name somewhere. I just can't recall it yet.

"Omg Paolo!!" Ate Trina exclaimed when she saw Paolo, she hugged him so tight. I was just standing beside them and admiring how adorable their relationship is. "Goodness! You're taller than me now! I miss you so much, Cous!" And she hugged him again. They let go of their hug when Ate Trina noticed me.

She looked at me and smiled, "Hi! Are you Paolo's girlfriend?" And she looked at Paolo with a teasing smile. Paolo just looked at me and Ate Trina laughed. I smiled at Ate Trina and offered my hand, "Shake hands? Psh, come here." She ignored my hand and gave me a hug. I got shocked but I hugged her back too. She looked at me and smiled again so I smiled back to her.

We went inside their house and saw some of Paolo's relatives in his Mom's side but most of the Vasquez are here. I can recognize them because I stalked Paolo one time and saw his family picture with the Vasquez clan.

"Yo bro!" A tall guy, almost in his 30s, approached Paolo and they gave each other a bro fist. He looked at me and smiled at Paolo with meaning, "Is she your girlfriend?" That's why I looked at Paolo again but I saw him said something quietly.

"Not yet."

Paolo put his arms around my shoulder and we went to their kitchen, but before we even reached the kitchen, alot of his aunts & uncles greeted him and they all just smiled at me and some of them waved. One of his Aunt even hugged me and said that I am beautiful & Paolo is so lucky to have me.

I can't even explain how happy I am with their overwhelming love. But at the same time, I feel so bad too because I am not Paolo's girlfriend. I just can't say it to them because they all look happy because Paolo brought a girl home.

When we went to the kitchen, I saw a sophisticated woman, wearing a beige dress & her jewelleries. Her hair is in a shoulder length and when she turned around, she saw Paolo & I and she put the plate on the counter top and went up to us.

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