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*Ryder's POV*

Its been two weeks since the incident. Five of our members, my pup's, have perished in the fire. Including Marshall, Skye, Rubble, Rocky, and Zuma. The news went crazy over the story. Every news anchor in Adventure Bay has been covering it. Even some news anchors outside of Adventure Bay has been covering the horrific accident too. As for Chase and Everest, well.... they have been beating themselves up about how the incident could've and should've gone differently for weeks. Chase is always talking about how he should've done better or how he should've never left Skye in that building. Everest won't stop crying over Marshall and Skye too. She also blames herself for Marshall and Skye dieing in that fire.
     It's a sad sight for me and everyone else in Adventure Bay to see. Like seeing Chase, the usually dedicated and loyal police dog who's always super energetic and happy to help save everyone around town, being depressed. It's.... heartbreaking. Chase can't even look his daughter in the eyes anymore. And she's only 5 months old. I had to start taking care of her since Chase was too sad to do it. The same was for Everest. Her and Marshall had been a couple for years, way longer than Chase and Skye ever were. Both her husband and her best friend had died in that dreadful fire. It truly is taking a toll on everyone around Adventure Bay....
      Anyway, their funerals are tomorrow. I don't think Chase and Everest are going to make it. And honestly, I don't blame them. I can't blame them. After their funerals, me and Chase are going to move out of Adventure Bay. We took a police position in a nearby city a couple of hours away from Adventure Bay. Chase is giving Isabella to Everest, he thinks she will be in the right mindset to raise her for a while. Chase is planning on sending them money every week for a few months until he is ready to take Isabella back. And after that, that's it. We'll be leaving Adventure Bay for good.

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