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Thorins p.o.v

Sonja is now been asleep for three days. She's burning up with fever. The whole company is changed. Dwalin doesn't carry his weapons anymore, Fili and Kili don't laugh, Balin doesn't read , Bombur doesn't eat and you get the picture. Bard is now here with his family and Elrond with Elladan.I was now looking as Sirius tried to look what is the deep reason for this. "Oh dear Valar"Sirius whispered his eyes widening. "Whats wrong?"I asked worried. Then I heard a sob. Thar started to sobbing in my lap. I hugged him. "Iw mama going wo wie?"he asked in tears. "No mama is strong she will survive"I whispered to him. I rang the bell next to bed. Bard was there in couple minutes. "Take Thar somewhere else"I said handing Thardin to him. "Now you tell what is wrong with her"I demanded Sirius. "She has fireheart"he whispered. I looked at him confused. "Lord of fire and air made a ball. It was a spell. When it flew to Sonjas chest it poisoned her heart . The fever is because she has a burning flame in her heart. There is no way to put it out. It's been tried true love of parents and a lover even a child but it has never worked she will die"I have never seen Sirius cry but now he was almost sobbing. Then he put his hand in her barcelet after that he put it to Sonja's neck. He fell to his knees now fully sobbing. He lifted his head. :"Shes gone"he sobbed I fell to my knees also. My wife is gone mother of my child. My love hope and light is gone. I let the tears fall freely.


Don't stop reading this is not the end of this book.

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