Just like old times

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Katy woke up with her arms tucked around Willa, her chest pressed up against her back. She didn't know how she ended up in this position, spooning her, but she sure as hell was glad she did. "Wake up, sleepy," Katy whispered in Willa's ear, kissing the spot right behind it. She lifted her head a little and saw her still sleeping peacefully.

She had already gotten so many hours of sleep on the ride there that she was just ready to go out and explore what Tennessee had to offer. But Willa's eyes hadn't opened yet. When they arrived at the hotel in the insane wee hours of the morning she was in such a deep sleep, Katy had to carry her bridal-style to their room. And now, she was still asleep, so Katy assumed they fell asleep at different times during the car ride.

Katy envied everything about Willa. She was everything she wasn't when she was a teenager- happy, stylish, fit, and stunning looks. Of course she is all of that now, but when she was a teen she always imagined herself as all of those things and wondered if it would ever happen for her. She was doubtful and hopeless. She didn't suspect Willa was ever really like that, with her cocky and smartass remarks she seemed pretty satisfied with herself. She was still in her skirt that she wore yesterday, with a little top and black tights, and Katy desperately wanted to get her out of it.

She pulled her phone out and pull one arm from around her. "Smile," she whispered, giggling at Willa's face as it looked like she was about to drool on their pillow. These would be the perfect blackmail selfies. The first was a normal smile, the second was her giving a thumbs up and the third was her sticking her tongue out far enough to touch Willa's cheek. Suddenly she felt little squirms of her body and her brown eyes fluttered open. Not all the way open- kind of like a lazy squint. She looked at herself being photographed on the front camera of Katy's phone and stuck her middle finger up.

"Look who's up!" Katy cheered, throwing her phone behind them and planting a kiss on the side of Willa's neck.

"You need to delete all of those," she whispered, biting her lip to keep her from smiling so much. "Look who still likes to be creepy when I sleep," she added, turning over onto her stomach and burying her face into the five hundred thread count pillow.

"I had to," Katy explained. "It was the perfect chance."

She shrugged. "I mean..I guess I am pretty cute."

Katy laughed and nudged her. "You know what was really cute? Me carrying your ass up here at three in the morning."

"Yeah right," Willa scoffed. "As if a diva like you would ever do that," she teased.

Katy quickly retrieved the picture on her phone that Tamra took of the both of them in the middle of the hotel's hallway, Willa's arms around her neck and her head resting against her as she held her bridal style and held her lips to her forehead.

Willa laughed at how sloppy she looked and felt her face warm up. "Aw! Baby," she rested a hand on Katy's cheek and kissed her on the mouth for a few seconds. It looks like we're a couple on a honeymoon, she thought, but was quick to decide not to say that thought out loud as she knew how Katy felt about where their relationship currently stands. Instead she went, "I love that picture so much."

"How many times do I have to tell you I'm only in diva mode when I'm working, huh,"

"I know, I'm sorry I just love teasing you about it," she laughed. She leaned in to kiss her again and they held it for more than a minute. The bedsheets slipped down and stopped at their waists and, naturally, their hands slipped beneath the covers to eagerly explore eachother. Katy pulled back and tilted her forehead onto hers.

"You tease a bit too much. In more ways than one," she kissed her and slipped her tongue in her mouth, and soon bit her bottom lip.

"Ow," Willa muttered, smiling in their kiss.


An hour and a dozen mimosas later, Willa had changed into more comfortable clothes and was working on her ninth glass of mimosa. She put on one of her favorite playlists on her phone and swung her hips side to side. Katy watched in awe as she downed yet another round spiked orange juice at nine in the morning. The girl that was dead asleep in the wee hours of the morning was deadass drunk only a couple of hours later, and for some reason, it made Katy grin and be even more into her. But there was one thing that was certain: "You're gonna have to pee so bad."

"But I haven't had a drink in sooo loooong, baby." Willa stood on her knees on the bed, shimmying her hips with her drink in her hand.

"So you're saying we didn't have wine the other day?!"

Willa paused and her face expression dropped. "Yeah, but.. I mean like, a fun party drink, you know? Wine is too formal. That didn't count." She drank more from her glass and Katy giggled.

"You're insane."

"Ahn- and you have a hot laugh. And you should be drunk off youhr ass, you had mimosas too!"

"Champagne only makes me giggly! You're just a lightweight!"

"Ahhh, I see. Hey, I'mmm not drunk! I feel high. But whatever. Look at how cute I am."

"You're such a lightweight, baby," Katy chuckled.

And not only was she a lightweight, she was sexy as hell. She borrowed Katy's sleepwear, just like last time, and it fit her thin figure just right. Katy always bought a smaller size top so her breasts would spill out and look bigger, but her eyes were glued to Willa and how her cleavage worked with the top just right, and there was a bow right about her belly button that kept the middle part of sexy top together. She didn't bother buttoning the rest so you could see the lower half of her stomach and her soft sleepwear shorts were so low risen that if they were pulled lower, even just a bit, you would see the beginning of her sex.

"Eh-hem," Willa uttered, making Katy snap out of her stare and look at her. "Distracted?"

Her voice snapped Katy back to convergence. "Huh? No. Distracted by what?" she tested.

"Yeaaaah, go ahead and play dumb. I know you love checking me out," she muttered almost to herself, swaying from side to side. Then her eyes lit up and she gasped. "Oooh!"


"I have the best idea," the girl swung her legs over the side of the bed to reach her phone. She bent down and was on the very edge and reached out as far as she could but she felt the tip of Katy's toe push her off, sending her to the floor. Katy lost it and her body shook with her hysterical laughter. She turned her head to see Willa standing up and blowing her hair out of her face. "Owww," she rubbed her knees and bit her lip. She gripped the bed and nearly slipped getting on, and scrolled on her phone to the perfect playlist. She grabbed Katy's hands and joined them with hers and swayed their hands to the beat of the song.

"See. This is what I wanted to show you. Don't I have good music taste?"

"It's spectacular. I love this song."

"Do you...." Willa dropped her head and felt her cheeks warm. The alcohol and orange juice swirled around in her system and her breath seeped little hints of it.


"Do you, um..know what I use this for?"

"Use what for? Spit it out!"

"Do you know what I use thisss..playlist for?" Willa grinned and rested her hand on Katy's knee.

Katy's silence was a signal for her to keep talking. She leaned down to Katy's face.

"I use it for when I have sex," she whispered, wiggling her eyebrows and giggling before kissing Katy's neck.

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