Kiss me, Hollis

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 Oberon kept his worries to himself as he settled back into their sleeping bags, trying in vain to tune out Cole's incessant rambling on the knowledge that wolves still existed. Oberon snorted, rolling his eyes to the stars, hands clasped behind his head. He could hear her faint footsteps drawing nearer, accompanied by the soft padding of the wolf's thick, massive paws. The animal's senses were stronger than even Oberon's, and for that he was thankful. With Tiberius threatening them at each turn, he would need every bit of help he could get.

Hollis burst through the brush, and he turned his eyes to her sopping wet form, her cheeks ruddy, a passionate grin on her face. He felt his heart thump hard in his chest, his own smirk creeping onto his face. She kicked off her shoes, nestling them on rocks near the fire to dry them out, before she turned a pointed glare to Cole. Oberon chuckled. Hollis had no reservations when nude in front of himself, but she refused to allow Cole to watch. He quite enjoyed the pang of jealousy he could see in the scientist's eyes as he turned his back to the fire and Hollis.

Satisfied, she dug through her pack for dry clothes, a slight shiver setting in. The wolf sat obediently, eyes scanning the tree line, his wet fur almost reeking more than before she had bathed him.

"No need to dress, tiny woman," Oberon said, voice low. Her eyes bounced up to his face, a deep blush coating her cheeks. She frowned a bit as he quirked a brow, pulling the blanket up and inviting her in.

"I'm warmer than any clothing you have," he said, flashing her a look dripping with desire. She clamped her mouth shut, eyes flitting to the wolf and back. He drank in her innocent hesitation, finding it even more arousing.

"Come, so you can tell me what you named the mongrel."

She grinned again, the tension leaving her as she gazed on the wolf with adoration and love. Oberon felt himself smile. She was happy to have something of her own, he sensed. It was something she'd been missing for weeks now. He was elated to be the one who could remedy that for her.

She reached for her wet clothes, fumbling as she turned away and stripped, tossing them aside in haste before she climbed in next to Oberon. He pulled her close, wrapping her tight in his sweltering embrace to help warm her, her cheek pressed to his chiseled chest. Her skin was cool, damp and soft against his own. He rested his chin on her head, eyes slipping closed in relief at having her in his arms, safe, intact.

"Kenai," she muttered, word hindered by his skin, the movement of her lips making him shiver in delight. He pulled away a bit, staring into her deep blue eyes before he smirked.

"I like it. Strong. Where did you find a name like that?"

She shrugged, unable to hide her grin.

"I saw it on the map, in the Alaska Province. It's a river."

He nodded, thumb brushing up and down on her back. Kenai let out a long, whining sigh, stretching out next to them in the dirt, settling his wide head on his front paws. The horses snorted and swayed, still unsure of their new companion. Oberon chuckled, and Hollis pulled away, a line forming between her brows.

"Winston does not like him," he explained, reaching up to press his thumb against the line.

"Tell Winston I still love him just as much," she said with a small, tired smile. Oberon leaned in, pressing his lips to her forehead, feeling for himself how her heart erupted in a fit of flutters at the intimate contact.

"Sleep, you're exhausted," he urged, intertwining their legs. Her heart raced again, and he felt himself grow hot with desire at the effect he was having on her, this time unaccompanied by her fear. Only curiosity lingered in her mind, now. He sensed that once they gave in to such temptations, they would become insatiable. He welcomed the thought, but also knew the precarious position they were still in. He had no way of ensuring her safety, other than the notion that he would never stop fighting for her, if it came to that.

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