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When I was about eleven everything changed. Not in the puberty way or the switching schools way. In the way of my father was brutally murdered. I remember like it was yesterday. 

Autumn was my favorite season. The falling leaves, the smell of cinnamon in the air, the spookiness of it all just drew me in like a magnet. It was two days before Halloween and I had never been more excited. My dad and I were going to go to the store to pick out my costume. After buckets of convincing my overly religious mother that Halloween was okay. Every year she would keep me home but finally, this year was the one. 

I skipped up the steps to find the door already wide open. I carefully pushed it further, "Mom? Dad?" I called. There was nothing but silence. 

I walked through the living room, into the kitchen, through the hall and up the stairs. Nothing until I reached the top of the stairs. I clenched my bag tighter as I saw the damp red trail leading straight into my parents room. 

I took a big gulp as tears stained my eyes, not really ready for whatever it was that I was about to face. 

I carefully stepped around the blood and looked around the room, the trail leading into the bathroom. I pushed the door open and froze in shock. There was my father, gutted over the bathtub. His guts spilling all over the tile. Screaming, I turned around and ran as fast as I could down the stairs, out the door and into the lawn. Immediately dropping to my knees and puking onto the lawn. 

My Mom's car pulled up and she sped out over to me, "Y/n!?" She screamed as she made her way over, eventually kneeling beside me. "What happened?!" 

I looked up to her sobbing, barely able to choke out my words, "D-Dad...Dad's dead." 

The years that followed were troubling to say the least. School was rough and I grew into a deeper pit of depression, consuming me as I grew older. My mother pushed me even further, deciding that she had a certain path for me and a certain life that she wanted me to live.

One against what I wanted.

As soon as I turned eighteen I was gone. Moved a couple cities over and decided to live my life my way. I discovered myself along the way and grew. My contact with her dwindled as I only checked on her a couple of times a year.

But then she said she needed me...

Summer to Remember: Xavier Plympton X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن