Chapter 5

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A week has passed and Yamaguchi's wounds are healing. Tsukkishima already went back to going to school and would just visit him before and after his classes. Everyday, Tadashi felt lonely in his four-cornered room until the end of Tsukki's class.

It has also been a week since Yamaguchi had been receiving psychiatric help for his mental health, and so far, he's doing great. That's what the psychiatrists think, but, the truth is, Yamaguchi's mental health is just getting worse and worse each passing day.

The medicines he was taking has only little effects on him, and he was faking getting better. Tadashi just really wants to get better but his mind just wouldn't, it's making him more frustrated.

But unlike his weeks before here in the hospital, he can now roam around the building and get some fresh air, the smell of his room aircondition suffocates him. The garden is his favorite spot, it is where he unwinds the most whenever he feels depressed and lonely.

Like right now, he's staring at the beautiful sunset while sitting in one of the garden benches, peacefully breathing in the cold breeze. His soft hair swaying with the wind and his eyes closed, feeling the most peaceful moment of his life.

"Tadashi-san, the doctor wants to see you" suddenly a nurse came, ruining his peace.

He smiled back and nodded. He followed the nurse to the doctor's office. They entered the room and was greeted by a man in his early 30's. His brown hair is disheveled but it doesn't really ruin his good looks, on the contrary, it made him look more appealing. He smiled at him and motioned him to sit on the chair in front of his desk.

"Good afternoon, I am the doctor who is in charge of your health, as you know it, my name is Wakatoshi Ushijima"

"G-Good afternoon, Doctor Ushijima" he was about to bow but was stopped by Wakatoshi.

"No need for formalities. I called you here to give you the results of the tests we ran to examine your body. Let's just wait for your brother to come here"

"Brother?" Tadashi's eye brows met and his head tilted in confusion.

"Tsukishima, the guy who's been visiting and guarding you all the time, isn't he your brother?"

"N-No, he's a good friend of mine"

"Oh, well, he introduced himself as your brother"

"He treats me like a.. brother. But we're not blood related"

The doctor just nodded.

"Well, then, let's wait for your friend" he said then smiled.

"U-Uhmm.. if you will, can you just tell me about my condition first? I'll just tell Tsukki when he visits. He's still in school at this hour and I doubt that he'll skip my check up for class" Tadashi said while looking down.

Wakatoshi was surprised by his statement. But that boy looked like he'll risk his life just for him, does he thinks of the opposite? he thought.

"Well, if that's what you want then I can just tell you about it. Based on the tests we ran, it seemed like you suffered from mild pneumonia for quite a long time and these past few days, based on our monitoring, your lungs had been healing, so it was a good thing. Next are your.. wounds.." his voice shrunk a bit and looked at Tadashi's bandaged arm.

"Your wounds, too, are healing but they may leave scars, considering how deep they were. Next time, seek for help, whatever kind of help it is, don't shoulder everything on your own. It's not good" he then smiled caringly.

Tadashi felt his cheeks flush a bit and nodded.

"I'll take note of that" he then faked a smile, because he knows, himself, won't.

Ushijima seemed to believed on what he just said and nodded. He flipped the pages in his clipboard, it was results of each test Yamaguchi had taken.

Every test turned out to have positive results which made Dr. Ushijima to be happy for the boy, he just wants him to be well. He was all smiles while explaining to Tadashi his results and what to do and what not to do whilst still recovering.

"Well, there are some more things I have to discuss but I think it would be better if your friend is here so he'd be the one to agree to the treatment and-"

"B-But, doc.. I'll just tell him later, you can tell me everything for now and I'll ask him if he approves" he cut off.

Ushijima was surprised by his sudden reaction but Tadashi smiled immediately which assured Ushijima that Tadashi would do what he said.

"There is nothing completely wrong with your bruises and wounds but we have to talk about your mental health" his voice becoming serious.

Tadashi swallowed a nervous lump in his throat and sit up straight, ready to handle any news from the doctor.

"From the looks of the observations, your mental health seemed to have improved. Maybe keeping on this psychological treatment would heal you completely from any trauma you've had in the past" he then smiled happily.

To be honest, the doctor seemed more happy than Tadashi. Tadashi doesn't wanna heal, he doesn't want to let go of the pain. He doesn't know why, but he is loving the pain, he wants to keep it. He just faked a smile to the doctor and nodded.

Ushijima's smile widdens as he looked through his clipboard. "That's all, you're good to go now. Maybe, just a week from now and you can be discharged. The expenses were all taken care of, so, it's nothing to be worried of" he said with a bright smile and dismissed the freckled boy.

Ushijima raised his look from his clipboard and staredat the door where Tadashi exited. He genuinely smiled as he through all his results the fifth time today. He just feels really happy for the boy, he hasn't felt that with other patients yet but, there is something with Tadashi that just feels good to him.

He shrugged the thoughts and continued his work. Tadashi, after leaving the office, felt a wave of sadness wash over him. He can't let the pain go.. he just can't.

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