2 • Ordinary People

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Emery had experienced nightmares every night on the other side

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Emery had experienced nightmares every night on the other side. But that morning, she woke to the sound of birds chirping and she smiled. She'd successfully slept through the night with no interruptions. Emy turns her head to the window, smiling at the sun peaking through. She was alive, and she was home. But one thing still lingered on her mind... Kol.

The door to her room swings open forcefully, interrupting her thoughts as Jeremy runs in, making Emy's heart jump.

"Jesus Jer," she laughs, clutching her chest.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just, I need girl advice," Jeremy sighs and sits on her bed. She stops short, blinking as she tried to comprehend what Jeremy had just said.

    "You? Need girl advice? I don't believe it," she chuckles and Jeremy rolls his eyes at his sister. This was a subject not yet touched between the siblings. Jeremy and Emery had always been close, but girls were not something he was all that interested before the accident.

    "Come on, I've grown up while you've been gone Em! I don't really feel like talking to Elena," he grimaces and she sighs, a small smirk on her face. She had missed this.

    "Okay, okay, tell me what's going on," she submits, adjusting her blankets as she sits up.

    "Alright so a while back I dated this girl named Anna right, she was a vampire." Emery grimaced at the thought of Jeremy dating a vampire. She knew Elena was in deep with the Salvatores, but the thought of her baby brother dating something that could kill him in the blink of an eye made her queasy. "But she died and it was awful and I never stopped caring about her, I guess. But then, Bonnie and I started dating and I really really like Bonnie-"

    "Wait, Bonnie Bennett? You're dating Bonnie Bennett?" Emery gasps and Jeremy shushes her.

    "Shut up let me talk. We had a problem with Caroline's mom before she was cool about vampires. She was trying to shoot at Damon and she accidentally shot me instead, and I died."

If Emery thought Jeremy dating a vampire was bad, the idea of him dying was ten times worse. Her lips pressed together as a painful expression crowded her features. Her baby brother, the one she had chased around the back yard and cried when he couldn't watch his favorite show. The baby brother that ran to her room when he had a bad dream and giggled when he made her mad, he had been shot. Died even.

"It's okay," Jeremy says gently, seeing the look of horror on her face. "I'm alright, Bonnie was able to bring me back. It's just... ever since then I've been able to talk to ghosts on the other side. So I started seeing Anna and Bonnie found out, but I swear I pushed Anna away! But now Bonnie won't talk to me and I don't know what to do," Jeremy rambles on and on, ending his tirade with a sigh and a flop backwards onto the bed.

    "There's a lot to unpack there, Jer. Firstly I'd like to say- HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU DATING BONNIE-"


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