3 • Homecoming

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"Good morning?" Emy says as she knocks on Elena's open door, watching confused as her sister manically rifles through her closet

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"Good morning?" Emy says as she knocks on Elena's open door, watching confused as her sister manically rifles through her closet. "Is she okay?" Bonnie, who is perched on Elena's bed, looks up and shrugs.

    "She can't find a dress for homecoming," she  answers with a small smile, tapping the bed next to her for Emy to sit.

"Homecoming?" Emery says with a distasteful scrunch of her nose. "Oh right... school, senior year."

She'd successfully missed the ending her sophomore year and her entire junior year. Thinking about it that why, Emery doubted she'd even be returning to school. There were things that she felt a pang of sadness for missing; senior prank night, the first day of school bonfire. These were memories she'd never be able to replicate or have, but lingering on the thought only brought her unnecessary grief. If being on the other side taught her anything, it was that she had to keep looking forward if she was going to survive.

    "I hate everything in my closet," Elena groans as she holds a silvery dress up to her body.

    "So don't go," Emy says as she sits next to Bonnie, picking up one of the many photos that were laid out on the bed.

    "Yah, we can stay here, order takeout, and over analyze creepy hieroglyphic thingies with Alaric," Bonnie suggests with a smile as she waves an image at Elena teasingly.

    Emery looks closer at the cave drawings, her brows knitting together. Some were obvious, like the symbols for vampire and werewolf. But the majority of them clearly had a double meaning, and clearly were very old.

    "Where are these from?" Emy asks, her mind temporarily forgetting Elena's homecoming issue.

    "An old cave on the lockwood property. These symbols are all over the wall and tell the stories of the Original family," Bonnie explains to her, passing her another picture to look at.

At the words "original family" Emy's heart pounds. She wasn't dumb, she knew that the old english vampires all her friends were so afraid of was Kol's family. But she hadn't heard them mention him by name, so she kept her mouth shut. She didn't want to give anyone a reason not trust her when they all seemed to be playing a game of "every man for himself." Emy desperately wanted to find Kol, and she knew his family was her key to him.

"How about this one? Caroline will kill us if we don't go," Elena says, holding up another dress.

"Caroline actually has a date," Bonnie says jokingly, but her eyes were sad and expression solemn. Emery's heart ached for her best friend.

"You know you can talk to me about Jeremy?" Elena says, joining them on the bed.

    "What is there to talk about? He fell in love with his ghost girlfriend and lied about it," Bonnie says dismissively, tossing one of the photos onto the bed with a huff.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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