WKOG Jeongyeon

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What Kind of Girlfriend is Jeongyeon to Dahyun?


Dahyun groaned when she saw the weather outside through the company's window. It was raining hard and the skies are so dark, she could clearly see the lightning and also hear the faint sound of thunder from the inside.

She's currently in the company, practicing her piano performance for their concert. She was with their mentor a while ago but left when she was called by the management so by then, she's alone.

She sighed as she picks up her phone and purse. She suddenly feels gloomy. The cold slowly penetrating her sweater and pants and the only thing she could do is to rub her arms warm as she walks towards the elevator. No manager has come with her this time, she came from their house and only her brother drives her to the company.

She bowed to the other staff who were with her in the elevator. While on the corner, she decided to call the managers to pick her up but their phones were cannot be reached. She tried again but to no avail. So she just left a message to the kakao group of the members and the managers telling them to contact her if someone's available to pick her up.

"Wah, is there a typhoon? It's really raining hard." She said to herself when she saw how hard the rain pours from above.

She checks her phone but there isn't anyone chatting back at her. She pouts as she scrolls down her contact, she stopped at a particular name-- Jeong❤. She slowly reaches the call button but abruptly stops midway. No, she's in a schedule.

She released an exasperated sigh as she put back her phone in her pocket. She just stared at the sky from the entrance of the company and decided to just wait for the rain to stop.

Other men are offering their umbrellas to her and ready to be soaked by rain, but her conscience is stopping her from accepting them, she couldn't bear being healthy while the person who lends his umbrella was suffering from cold. It's her fault that she didn't bring hers so she must face the consequence, alone.

She stayed for thirty minutes standing outside the entertainment, freezing, and shivering, but the rain seems to have no plan on stopping. She clicked her tongue as she put her hoodie on her head, secure her purse under her clothes, and readied herself to dash to the nearest bus station. She couldn't waste another thirty minutes waiting for anything.

She felt the rain fastly soaking her whole body. She frowns when the gust of strong winds blew which adds to the cold she was already feeling. When she saw a small shed, she immediately takes shelter and stops for a while to rest. She would really get a cold from this, but well, she's not scared of getting sick.

She jumps in shock when her phone rings under her clothes. She stumbles from taking it out from her purse as she immediately answers it with a shivering hand.


"Dahyun! Where are you? I'm here in the company. Did someone pick you up already?" Her tears welled up when she heard that voice. The voice that full of worries and care towards her. The voice that brings comfort and peace to her heart. The angelic voice coming from the angel herself.

"I'm- Achuu!" She sneezed then followed by another one. She groaned and sniff before she answers, "I'm on my way to the bus-"

"You walked under this kind of weather!? Are you out of your mind!?"

Dahyun flinched as she takes the phone away from her ear because of the loud roaring voice of the latter. She kind of expected this but not this sooner. She thought she wouldn't find out because of her scheduled photoshoot today so now, she wonders why she's in the company when her photoshoot would end in the evening.

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