PT.2: Chapter 12

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Several human days had passed. That time was Amado adjusting to his heavenly body. As soon as Amado felt comfortable, I taught him the basic things I was taught: controlling how much strength he used, looking down on the realms, building (so he could build thrones and establish his own caelum). That took about a human week. Next came the hard stuff: altering light, casting shadows, heat, raising the sun, and controlling amounts of energy emitted by the sun.

     Light brightness and movement, along with shadow darkness and movement, came quite easily to him. Conjuring the sunlight and shadows was also easy. It was a bit difficult at first, but he was able to make them disappear too. 

     "Ayyye go you, boo! I cheered, clapping. "Take yourself a much deserved break. Tomorrow we'll run through this again."

     "By tomorrow you mean tomorrow in Earth days, right?" He asked.

     "Yes." I had taught Amado that a year on Earth was a day in the caelums, seven years is a week, and instead of 365 years on Earth being a year here, only 100 years on Earth is a year here. I told him I always speak in Earth days or will say otherwise.

     Amado nodded, crashing on the sofa.

     A week (Earth week) had passed, and Amado was practicing "raising the sun". Raising the sun was really turning planets. I warned him it would take a while, and it did. He practiced on planets in other celestial systems so no life would be disturbed. He did that for a month, and by the time a month was over, Amado was quite comfortable. 

     "Well Amado, you're doing quite well, so would you like to move to Mars for a week?" I asked. 

     "What comes after Mars?" Amado asked timidly. 

     "Earth, silly. Life is about to get involved." I smiled, rubbing my hands together. I continued. "Mars has a pretty similar day length to Earth if done properly. It should be about 24 hours and 38 minutes. Think you can handle it, sun-god?"

     Amado let out a shakey breath. "I'll try."

     An Earth week passed and Amado was doing wonderful--exactly on time and schedule--even down to the second. I took him off of Mars, putting it on auto-orbit, and helped Amado move onto the sun. I helped Amado create a plan to turn the Earth and it's axis for a year, the longest we could set planets to orbit on their own.

     Once he was good, I headed to my throne to work. Gosh, I was really behind on mated pairs and prayers. 

     Soon I was caught up, and I helped Amado with how much energy was being emitted. "The sun is a middle-aged star, so it's going to want to let off more energy. As the sun god, though, you have to control this. The sun is connected to your emotions. If you get angry, the sun will let off more energy to try to help you cool down and release that hot anger. This, of course, will bring unbearable heat to Earth, causing droughts and death of many due to extreme heat. If you're sad, not enough will be emitted to try to hold you together from breaking down any further. This too is bad as it will cause draught and cause things to freeze, possibly bringing another ice-age extremely fast. If you're content, happy, or feeling love days will be nice with not-so extreme conditions. I imagine that if you're aroused, the Earth will be a bit warmer and breezier in places so that might be nice."

     Amado choked on space at the last bit of what I said. "Why would you think of arousal of all--"

     "Don't you think I didn't see you getting horney about Eros down on Earth! I can also see you getting aroused as you fantasize about meeting him occasionally here! Come on, at least have decency and run off far enough away where I can't see or here you before you decide to take care of yourself and--"

     "EEK MOM!!" Amado looked as if he was about to die of embarrassment.

     "It's okay! I get it! You're a male that's still in his teen years and will forever be! You're going to be horney a lot! I made all male gens that way so they can have more babies and it's cliché so I wanted to!" 

     Amado didn't reply, his face extremely red. So I changed the subject.

     "Now that you're all complete on what you can do for now, we have to announce you to the realms." 

     "How the frick do we do that?"

     "That, my dear Amado, is where God comes in. 

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