The move

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"Cake honey come down me an your father have something to tell you. "Hey mom whats up. As i look between both of my parents i know something was wrong. What is it i asked. Honey we are moveing to Tennssee. "WHAT"? Why are we moveing i like it here what about school an my friends. You'll make new one's my mom said. What if i dont want any new friends i like my old friends. Please don make us move i have one more year of high school left an wanna see it off with my best friends mom. "Oh my god this can't be happening to me right now. You guys have taken everything from me. When do we leave? This Friday my father said. Thats tamarrow i yelled as tears burned my eyes you can't do that i will never have the time to tell me best friend my only friend Emma that we are moveing. You guys waited all this time to tell me thats ot fear. Why are we moveing any way because i swear my life cant get any better then it is right now. 'Don't take that tone with us young lady. I put my head down. Sorry. "Your father got an pramoted. I'm happy for you dad but why cant it be here why so far away. Because it's a new start an more money. " Looking at my dad with teared filled eyes. I could tell he seen the hurt in my eye's. " Why is it alway's me. I yelled at them. Then i took off running to my room. "Cake!! i hear my dad calling me but i did'nt trun around. I slammed my door shut an went for my phone an texted Emma. EM i have the most killer new's. As i waited for her to text back istarted packing my things an put them in box'es that my mom left by my door. "My phone was beeping from a text from Emma it read. "Whats going on Cake. My mom an dad are makeing us move . "WHAT" why its our last year of school we go back in 2 weeks thats not fear. I know tell me about it. "When do you leave? In the morning i think EMMA i don't wanna go i'll miss you. "NO way im on my way over there right now see you in 15. " To no that Em was on her way made me feel better a little. Sitting on my bed i pulled out my book wear i write all my feeling an this one was going to be a big one. July 25th I just fround out that we was moveing to Tennssee all because my dad got a better job. And they waite to the last minte to tell me an they know that i would be going back to school i 2 weeks. My friend who im going to miss the most is on her way over here. I just wish i had more time to hang an chill with her. When we first meet i thought we wear joined at the hip people thought that we wear sister's as much as we stayed together. Emma is a good friend to me we always talked about finding our mate togeher but it looks like that wil not be happening..... "Cake? Emma's down here my dad yelled. Before i got to the door Em was standing at my door with tears in her eye's. We huged right away i let my tears run free. We sat on the bed talking about our pass an how much fun we had. Then Em helped me pack the rest of my thing's she came to my shoe box full of photos of me an her i seen the tear's rolling down her face."Emma don't cry you no we will always be friends nobody can't take that away from us. "I no but Cake imma miss you this town will not be the same without you. I smiled at what she said. Well its getting dark out Cake i should get going don't wont my mom to flip out on me. "Okay" tell her that i will miss her an i love her she's like a seconed mom to me. "Okay Bye EM i'll miss you. I looked out the window an i watched as Emma got into her car an left. I felt a tear fall from my eye but i quickley whiped it away. "Honey c'mon down its dinner time. I'm not hungry i yelled back to my mom. I could'nt help but cry because my life is changeing. I put my face into my pillow an let them run free. Some one knocked on my door. "Honey my i come in? It was my dad. Go away was all i said but him being the dad that he is he came in anyway. I kept my face in my pillow i felt him tuch my back. "C'mon sweetheart look at me. I pulled my face from my pillow an looked at him. I know that my face was red from the crying my eyes were puffy an nose red. "Aww honey come here i no that this is alot for you to take in but this will give all of us a new start. " I don't want a new start dad i like it hear i don't wanna go. What about Emma she's the only one that understands me an how i feel dad. "I no but its better for our family can you give it a shot just for me please can you promise that you will try to make new friends. "Okay daddy i promise. He smiled an kissed me on the head befor he left out. I love you daddy. Thank you for makeing me feel better. "I love you to sweetheart are you comming down for dinner? No thanks dad i'm not all at hungrey. Okay he smiled an left outta my room an closed the door behind him. I cut my lamp off an layed there in the dark waiteing for sleep to take me away.

When i got up the next mornining still feeling sleepy an boy was i hungery maybe i should of eat last night dinner. "As i made my way down the step's i seen my mom on the phone. "Good mornining ma i said good mornining sweety today is the big day. Yea yea yea tell me something i don't no. "Well did your father tell you that we wear leaveing at noon so that give's you time to call Emma an hang out with her. Oh an one more thing did he tell you he got you a gift that we both no you would love. "No" what is it. Well your just going to have to ask your dad. But first you need to eat something. I was so happy that i eat a PB&J sandwich this mornining when i was done i went looking for my dad. I found him out side putting stuff into the moveing van. DAD! I yelled. Over here sweetheart. " Sweetheart was a name he always called me an happy to answer to. God mornining dad mom said you had a gift for me. "Well as a matter of fact i do. "He stopped what he was doing went to the frunt of the moveing van an came back with a small box an a bow on it. I smlie what is it what is it what is it i jumped up an down. "open it an see. I opened the box it was a set of key's car keys that is. My eye's wide mouth open i let out a happy scarem an looked at my dad who was now standing next no my new 2015 Mustang. It was blue an black with tint on it. i looked at my dad who told me i had to noon to be back home. I jumped up an down I love you daddy. Thank you see you at noon bye.

I jumped in my car loveing the new car smell. Then i started the car an pulled out the drive way an headed to Emma's. When i got there i texted Em. "Come out side you wont belive this. "OKAY" standing out side my car i see EM scarem an yell no fucking way Cake this is the Mustang you were talking about. I no right my dad got it for me how did he no i wonted one? Who cear's you got a new car girl. Yea i no but the only thing is i have to be back home befor noon we have to make these last 5 hours count. " I got it let's ride around town go get something to eat an show off your new car. We got in the car drov. 25 minite's later we pulled over for some gas an food. I was eating nuggets while Em was eating gods no what but thats her. "Looking at the time OMG!! is it really 11:30 Em we have to go now or i'll be late i can't be late my dad will flip out. Okay Cake chill lets go.

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