Dinner 🍛

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For the rest of the day, everyone seems to avoid Zoro, especially Robin. Zoro remains on the Sunny, doing lookout. Zoro decided to train while thinking about his new katana. She said he would come to kill everyone around him. He knew would be impossible. He would never hurt his friends or his captain. If it did get to that Luffy and Sanji would be able to stop him. Hopefully...

It was now dinner time and everyone gathered in the dining hall. Everyone sat down, keeping their distance from Zoro. Well, the katana to be precise.

Everyone started eating until Luffy spoke up. "Zoro isn't the katana lady going to eat?"

"Huh? Right..." He places his hand on the hilt and shook it.

"Yes, Master..."

"You coming to eat or not?"

"Swords don't eat..."

"I know that... But you are a human..." He started to get annoyed at her monotone.

"I take on a human form. Doesn't mean I am a human. And Master is speaking out loud again..."

He grumbles, she found it slightly assuming. How he would speak out loud. It would be simple to talk inside his head.

"So is she eating or not?" Luffy asks.

"No, says she's a sword."

"But she turns into a human. She still has to eat." Chopper spoke up.

"She takes a human form, she doesn't eat." Zoro started eating his food.

"Oh..." Chopper went back to his dinner.

There was an awkward silence at the table. Everyone kept to themselves. Again Luffy spoke up, "what's her name?"

Zoro stops, "don't know she hasn't told me."

This time he spoke inside his head.

"What's your name?"

"So Master learnt to talk inside Master's head."


"I don't have a name. Everyone calls me Bringer of Death."

"Pick a one then."

"I don't get to pick my name. That is up to Master."

He was getting frustrated by her attitude. "She doesn't have a name. Says I have to pick it for her..."

"I know Meat!" Luffy grins, rest of the crew shakes their heads.

"No..." Zoro sat there, wondering why he had to pick a name for her. It would be easier if she picks one for herself.

"Why can't you pick a name?"

"Master may not like the name I pick."

"It doesn't matter if I like it or not. It's 'your' name!"

"No, Master can pick my name. I don't care what it is."


He hopes she would get annoyed and pick her own.

"Meat it is."

She really wasn't bothered, she had stranger names before. Like, Blue, Grass, Oval, one Master had named her Gin. At the time her Master was drinking. In her drunken state named her Gin.

[ON HOLD] Enchanted Sword - Roronoa Zoro x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now