Chapter 12: An Unforgettable Knight

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Lapis woke up feeling dizzy. She wasn't sick anymore, but her head still felt like it was full of cotton. The young genie hybrid found that she was laying on a comfy futon and covered with a cozy blanket. She also saw that she was sheltered by a large colorful tent.

Right next to her, there was a familiar figure. And now that her vision was better, she could see by his skin tone that he was human.

"It's you again." the hybrid girl gasped.

"I'm glad you're feeling well." the young man said.

"Do you I know you from somewhere?" Lapis squinted at her hero. "You almost look familiar."

"Let's just say that I'm a friend." he answered.

"But, what's your name?" the half genie asked.

"You can call me the Daydream Knight." her savior replied.

"Hmm, you look pretty human to me." Lapis said. "I would very much like to see your whole face just to be sure though."

"As much as I would love to, revealing my identity would put you in more danger than you already are." the masked man told her.

"I know." the young hybrid nodded. "White Diamond's son and his gang of criminals want to capture me."

"Well, they won't find you here." the Daydream Knight guaranteed. "This tent here is enchanted. It can build and deconstruct itself at my command. Believe it or not, we're actually in the middle of the desert."

"The desert?" Lapis started to panic. "You mean with sand people, mesmerizing cobras, and oasis sirens!?"

Almost immediately, the Daydream Knight wrapped his arms around the anxious girl. Her cheeks blushed brightly and she felt her heart racing.

"Shhh, don't worry." the human boy comforted the half genie. "I won't let them come anywhere near you."

A smile of contentment spread across Lapis' face. She never realized how much she enjoyed being held by this handsome stranger. She wished that she could stay in this boy's blanket like embrace forever. The young girl had let her guard down long enough to sink into her savior's warmth before she remembered something.

"My brother and friends must be worried sick about me." she gasped. "We should go find them."

"Not just yet." the knight shook his head. "You need to rest for a little while longer."

"Wait, how did you cure me?" Lapis asked. "I don't remember taking any medicine."

"You did take some medicine, actually." said the Daydream Knight. "It was a natural medicine that I made with remedial herbs that I found. And I must say, I'm very pleased with the results."

"Where did you learn to make medicine like that?" the hybrid inquired, feeling impressed.

"I picked up the skill from some medicine genies who live out in the desert." the young man explained. "Did you know that some genies that are so poor they can't afford food on the table or even a roof over their heads? They have to strive through out here because the emperor is too greedy to provide for them."

"That sounds awful." Lapis frowned. She never realized that Emperor White Diamond has ruined more lives than just her mother's.

"Oh, it is." the knight nodded.

"Look, I really appreciate what you did for me; but I should really get back to my friends." Lapis disclosed. "They're probably looking for me right now."

"I'm sure they are, but it's not safe for you to be out at night." the human differed.

"It's nighttime already?" the half  genie raised an eyebrow. "How long was I out?"

"A few hours." her rescuer answered. "The suns had only just set."

Just then, Lapis felt a little dizzy when sitting up in bed. She put a hand to her head as it still felt like it was overstuffed with fluff. The Daydream Knight noticed this and rushed over to her with a teacup.

"Here. Drink this." he said, giving the girl the cup. "It should help with that troublesome headache of yours. And be sure to drink it to the last drop."

Lapis took the teacup and inquisitively took a sip of the contents inside. Her eyes widen when she discovered how delicious the drink was.

"Wow, this tea is really good." the young hybrid thought. "Maybe the best tea I've ever had."

The tea was so irresistible, Lapis almost chugged the whole beverage down. She gave a cute hiccup after the last sip.

As the warm tea settled in her belly, the hybrid girl suddenly felt drowsy. She let out a yawn and the feeling if fatigue began to weigh her eyelids down.

The Daydream Knight quietly chuckled to himself as he forgot to inform Lapis that the tea had a sleepy side effect. He went over to lay the girl back down on her pillow and tuck her in as her eyelids sagged themselves shut. And with that, Lapis was welcomed back into the snuggly embrace of slumber.

The knight gazed upon the half genie as she was resting. And then, he pulled the mask that covered his mouth down; revealing his whole face. Since Lapis wasn't looking, it was safe for him to do this.

The boy had a yearning look in his eyes and a blushing face as he knelt by the sleeping hybrid's side.

"You are too beautiful and special to be hurt by that imperial menace." the Daydream Knight uttered. "I swear I will protect you from White Diamond and his criminal entourage."

He had incredibly strong urge to kiss the girl he saved even if it would be the only time he could do it. With all resistance gone, the young man slowly leaned forward to Lapis' face and puckered his lips. And once his lips met hers, it felt like fireworks were going off inside the rescuer. As for Lapis, a bright blush glowed across her cheeks. When the knight pulled away, a wide smile spread on the half genie while her cheeks were still blushing.

"Sweet dreams, Lapis." the Daydream Knight wished, brushing his hand against her.

Lapis had sweet dreams alright. She fantasized herself and her savior in the clouds waltzing on air. Then after sharing a kiss, the twosome fell backwards into the pillow like clouds to relax together. As they basked in the moonlight, Lapis cuddled with the Daydream Knight like he was her soulmate. This guy reminded her so much of Jamie and if he was her masked hero (hypothetical speaking,) she would be his girlfriend in a heartbeat. For now, the genie hybrid wanted to unwind with her dream boy in her perfect fantasy.

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