Prologue: Out Of Orbit

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An important meeting was in full swing at the World Headquarters where the leaders of the world were gathered. Among the attendees was the President of the United States, the ruler of Poland known as King Liam Glowacki, and may other leaders.

What was the reason to have this meeting?

A mysterious shining object had fallen from space and landed on Earth a few nights ago. Of course, this event made the news worldwide as everyone was speculating what the object was, even after it was collected by a team of the world's best scientists from the location it had landed. During the time the object was in possession of the scientists, the group had managed to pry the shining object carefully away from the meteor it was attached too. As a result of the object being removed from the meteor, the meeting was called upon so it could be presented to the world leaders.

In the middle of the room where the meeting was taking place, the lead scientist of the group was standing with a small box sitting on the table next to him. The lead scientist looked around the room as the world leaders were looking down at him, before he cleared his throat and addressed the room. "Presidents, monarchs, and other world leaders gathered here tonight in this very room," The scientist spoke in a clear tone, "My team and I have been researching, analyzing, and trying to pinpoint what the object is found in the meteor and where it came from. Two days ago in our time of investigation, we successfully managed to remove the mysterious object from the meteor, and have brought it here today to present it for the purpose of fulfilling the curiosity of what it is."

After the scientist finished his speech, the world leaders watched as he picked up the small box off the table before opening it. A sudden gasp of awe and shock filled the room as the world leaders saw the shining jewel in the box in all its glory. "Is that a diamond?" The President of the United States asked as he looked at the jewel. "That's no diamond, that gem is worth much more than a diamond. It's worth billions and billions of every currency around the globe." The Prime Minister of Thailand spoke up. "It should be in a world famous museum, where it belongs." Another world leader chimed in, before a debate started up on what to do with the jewel in the box.

"Silence!" The leader of Japan said as the debate was put to a stop. The world leaders looked at the leader of Japan as he spoke. "While it is true that this gem is really priceless, putting it in a museum will encourage the most professional of thieves to break in and steal it for their own gain. I recommend that this gem should be placed in the possession of a world leader that has the greatest security." Everyone else in the room looked at each other, trying to decide which world leader was fit to keep the shining gem in their possession. After a moment of awkward silence, a voice spoke up, belonging to King Liam Glowacki himself, "I will keep this gem safe in my custody."

The other world leaders along with the scientist holding the box containing the gem all looked over at the Polish King. "Very well then." The scientist said as he closed the box, before going over and carefully giving it to King Liam. "Does this gem have a name?" The President of the United States asked in curiosity, as the room turned to the scientist. "According to our research, we have come to the conclusion that this gem is the Legendary Silver Crystal, which was an ancient artifact dating back to the time of the Silver Millennium. It is said it holds a mysterious power as the cosmos themselves." The scientist replied before the Polish King looked at the box he was holding. "Interesting..." King Liam said as a smile of greed and power appeared on his face.

End of dream/vision...

Siria woke up from her slumber with a gasp as she quickly sat up in bed. The former Polish Princess and heir to the Glowacki throne which she gave up panted rapidly, while trying to process the dream she just had about her grandfather King Liam having the Legendary Silver Crystal in his possession. "It was only just a dream..." Siria muttered to herself as she glanced at her clock on her dresser. 3:30 am. The runaway Princess tried to go back to sleep, but to no avail as she kept having the same dream.

Finally Siria Annari Glowacki got out of bed with a sigh, and went over to her apartment balcony, still in her nightgown and looked up at the night sky, before Siria noticed a growing darkness consuming the stars one by one. "Something's wrong... I can feel it. If I don't do something then Liam will abuse the power of the Legendary Silver Crystal and bring forth the darkness." Siria said to herself, since she was the Keeper of Time and knew she had to make sure the timeline had no interruptions in the past, present, and future. Siria quietly went back inside her apartment and opened a drawer of her bedside dresser and pulled out her Pluto Planet Wand before running back outside to her apartment balcony.

Siria raised her Pluto Planet Wand into the air before she shouted the magic words. "Pluto Planet Power! Make up!" The wand glowed as the magic flowed, before Siria waved her wand and twirled around. Siria's nightgown became her Sailor Pluto outfit as her Garnet Orb staff appeared in her hand along with her belt of keys around the top of her skirt. Once she was done with her transformation, Sailor Pluto raised her staff before tapping it against the ground. The Garnet Orb glowed as the wind picked up around Sailor Pluto before she spoke her incantation.

"Heed my call Oh depths of Space-Time,

Heed my call Oh God of Time himself,

Oh Cronus!

Grant me power!"

The glow of the Garnet Orb grew brighter as the wind grew stronger. Sailor Pluto grabbed her Space-Time key and held it up in the air next to her Garnet Orb staff. The Space-Time key glowed with the Garnet Orb as Sailor Pluto continued her incantation.

"Open the passage through Space-Time,

Allow me to travel at the speed of light,

Take me to Princess Serenity,

Take me to Sailor Moon!"

A flash of bright light occured and Sailor Pluto began to fly through time and space itself from her namesake planet. Sailor Pluto smiled as she passed through the planets of Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, until she reached the Earth and it's current time. As Sailor Pluto descended into the Earth's atmosphere, she used her Garnet Ball spell to form a shield herself around to protect herself from catching on fire as she entered. Soon Sailor Moon and her team of Sailor Guardians lived.

"I must find Sailor Moon and warn her. Hopefully I'm not too late." Sailor Pluto said before she started making her way to the city. If her vision was correct, then her grandfather King Liam Glowacki indeed had the Legendary Silver Crystal, meaning danger was to come. If the Sailor Guardians worked together to stop King Liam and whatever he was planning, then they could also stop the growing darkness that was lurking about. For now, it was up to Sailor Pluto to find and warn Sailor Moon and the other Sailor Guardians about the Polish King having the Legendary Silver Crystal in his possession.

King Liam belongs to my friend _WinryRose_

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