what a tragic happily ever after, hey?

298 13 24

in real life

"we're turning meredith's life support off within the next hour, harold."

harold looked at the doctor briefly before having to turn back around, afraid of the tears brewing behind his eyes. a hand found its way onto his shoulder.

"you're a very dedicated fireman, sir, you've been here every day for the past six days."

"i feel so guilty."

"harold, it is not your fault you couldn't save her in time. you mustn't let it eat you up."

"her last words, doctor, they were horrific."

"what were they?"

"she told me i had pretty eyes. she said — she said — she was coughing up blood — what a nice view, but what a tragic happily ever after, hey?"

"i'm sorry harold."

harold sniffed and finally turned back to face the doctor. "the angels were lonely, anyway."

started and finished
monday, 13th of june 2020
completed at exactly 11:25pm

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