Chapter 9

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The kidnapping

When night came Brandeen and Rian snook into the room that Ray was staying in.
"Jizz this place is a mess"said Rian as he looked at all the potions all over the place.
Brandeen used his magic to make sure that Ray doesn't wake up as they moved her. Rian used a teleporttion lacrama to get Ray to the Granden.

Their next target was Austin but little did they know since he was part vampire he has trouble falling asleep in the night. When the entred Austin's room they were shocked to see he was drawing in book.
"Hi what are you doing here?" Austin asked knowing that they were there to do something bad.
"Ummm, go to sleep!" Brandeen yelled as he yeeted a knife at Austin.
Austin quickly dodged it.

"How did you dodged that!?" Brandeen yelled/asked.
"I'm a werewolf idiot"replied Austin.
After that Austin howled as loud as he could. BAM suddenly the door was kicked down.
"What the hell is going on in here!?"a very annoyed SNO Bri.
She stopped herself when she was Brandeen and Rian. Soon after all the other supernaturals that was in that building, came running in.

"It seems like we have made a mistake"said Brandeen.
"Get out"said SNO Mario in a deep and dark voice.
They teleported them out of there.
"Wait, where's Ray?" Kayla asked.
"No, don't tell me that they got her"said Bri horrified.

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