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Hi guys! I'm so happy that I actually got some readers that willingly read my work so thank you!

This chapter is written from Bakugous POV so it will be a bit of cursing, but it's Katsuki Bakugou so that's kinda obvious.

Again thank you for reading and on with the second chapter. Enjoy!


Katsukis POV

I woke up like every day by the old hag (aka my mom) screaming at me to get up and that breakfast soon would be ready. I groan in irritation and lays my head back on the pillow.

Mitsuki (Katsukis mom): "KATSUKI, I TOLD YOU TO GET UP!!!"

I groan again and take me out of bed.

Katsuki: "SHUT UP YOU OLD HAG, I'M UP!!!"

I go over to my closet and get out a pair of black ripped jeans , a white t-shirt and a towel. Then I go to the bathroom and into the shower. I turn it on and the hot water hit my face and running down my back. While the water was running I started to think about my life. I am Katsiki Bakugou son to Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugou and they are the alpha and the luna of this pack ( the leaders) and in about a month when I turn 18 I am supposed to be the next alpha of the pack. I have trained for this my whole life and I am happy but I still miss something or more like someone. Nearly all my friends have found their mates already but it doesn't seem so easy for me. I have waited and searched in two whole years soon, but nothing. I just hope I will find my mate soon so the empty space in my heart can be filled with someone to love and care for. Even if I m really bad at feelings and always yell at people I still want to care for someone and I'm gonna be the fucking best mate ever existed!

After awhile I realize I should start to head down for breakfast before the old hag starts screaming at me again. So I turn the water off and  walk out from the shower. I dry my self of with the towel and put my clothes on. I then start heading down to the dining room. When I get there I find my mom and dad sitting at the table full of toast, pancakes and other stuff. I sit down and take some toast and coffee.

Masaru: "So my son, how are you feeling today?"

Katsuki: "Good"

I answer and then start eating again.

Masaru: "That's good. So Katsuki, just to remind you, you have patrol around the border together with Kirishima today after lunch, so don't forget okay!"

I sigh

Katsuki: "I won't, thanks for the food."

I then stood up and headed towards my office to get some stupid paperwork done. I'm not the alpha yet so I don't necessarily need to do them but my stupid parents want me to learn how to do it so here I am. I pick up a paper from the stack and read. "The west wing of the pack house wants a new coffee maker to their kitchen." This is fucking stupid! Why do I need to take care of this shit. I sign the paper so they get their stupid coffee maker and then go on with som other papers.

After some hours of stupid paperwork, it is time for lunch. I go back to the dining room but this time I find Kirishima and his mate Kiminari at a table and I go over and sit with them.

Kirishima: "Hi Bakubro! Where have you been all day?"

Katsuki: "Don't call me that shitty-hair! And I have been stuck with som stupid fucking paperwork because of my shitty parents!

Kirishima: "Wow that sucks dude!" Kiminari nods in agreement, to concentrated in his food to talk."But maybe you will feel a little bit happier while on patrol, far away from all the papers."

Katsuki: " Hopefully."

We finish our food and me and Kirishima went outside while Kiminari take a nap, 'that lucky bastard!' Me and Kirishima walk into the forest on the south side of the territory where we usually starts our patrol.

Kirishima: "Ready Bakugou?!"

Katsuki: "Yeah, now shut up!"

We start running and while running we turn to our wolf forms. I feel my bones cracking and changing positions in my body. My face becomes longer and my hands, feet turn into paws and fur start growing all over my body. When we are fully transformed we pick up the speed and start running true the forest. Because I'm a alpha my wolf form is pretty big but I'm a little bit bigger than a usual alpha. My fur is ash blonde like my hair but it is a little bit brown in the roots of the hair and my eyes are as red as blood. Kirishima is a little bit smaller than me, but is like average for an alpha. His fur is red and his eyes are a little bit more brown in his wolf form while they are red in his human form.

——————Time skip ——————

After a while of running through the territory I pick up the scent of intruders in our territory. The strongest scent one of the intruders give of smells like lavender and new fallen rain. It's a really good scent and something about it makes my wolf go crazy but I don't understand why yet.

Kirishima: " Bakugou do you also smell that?"

Katsuki: " Yeah, I'm gonna alert father and get backup in case this is a big threat."

Kirishima: " Ok, sounds good!"

In the pack link

Katsuki: "Dad, we have picked up the scent of some intruders and are going after them!"

Masaru: "Ok son I will send the nearest patrol group to you guys as backup just in case."

Katsuki: "Good! Sea you soon!"

As we continue running and get closer the scent gets stronger. By now my wolf is going totally crazy and I start to get really irritated until he says 'that's mate, it's mate scent!' For a second my brain stops and then I get really happy. I'm finally gonna find my mate. But my happy moment stop when I smell how much distress pheromones my mate give of and the smell of... 'Is that the smell of BLOOD!' I start to panic and run faster. Kirishima try's to keep up but I could care less if he kept up or not, my mate was hurt and my inner wolf was not happy!

Kirishima: "Wait Bakugou, you are going to fast man, I can't keep up!"

Katsuki: "Shut up shitty-hair I don't care! One of the intruders are my mate and he or she is hurt so I'm not gonna wait for your slow ass!"

He looks confused for a second until he understood what I said and got a worried expression across his face. I continue running until I reach the bottom of a cliff. When I look up I see som shitty looking bastards on top of the cliff. I growl at them and when they see me they start to run of and I'm about to follow them when I get sight of something that instantly broke my hart. On the ground at the bottom of the cliff a small mud covered wolf, laying in a pool of his own blood coming out from to many places to count. I hastily make my way over to my little mate to see if he is alive. I put my ear on his chest to try and hear his heart. I panic when I first can't hear a beat but then I hear a slow little heart beat and I sigh in relief but the heart beat is to slow and I start to panic again. I just found my mate, I can't already loose his! Just the Kirishima comes to the cliff with Mina and Zero after him but stops abruptly when he sees my panicked state.

Kirishima: "Hi Bakugou what's wrong dude, you need to calm down!"

Katsuki: "CALM DOWN! I just found my mate and he is half dead and you want me to CALM DOWN!"

I start walking around my mate and just want him to be okey.

Kirishima: "Yes, I want you to calm down. If he is hurt he needs you more then anything right now so calm town and run with him home to the med bay as fast as you can while I alert the med bay so that they are ready and than tell alpha the situation."

I stop and look at him. He really is the best friend you could ask for. I pick up my mate as carefully as possible and put him on my back and look back towards Kirishima.

Katsuki: "Thanks bro!"

Then I took off as fast as I could towards the packhorse praying that my newly found mate would live and not die before I even get to know his name.


So that's the second chapter hope you liked it :)  Hope you liked it!

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