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-Mikey POV-

April and Casey convinced me and Raph to get out of the lair to clear our minds for a bit. I assumed Donnie didn't want to come and Leo was gone..again. I mean, what could possibly happen while were gone? We were just jumping from rooftop to rooftop since it was morning and people could see us. We were in one small area. Raph and Casey ran off, leaving me and April alone. I was sitting near the edge of a rooftop, dangling my legs down. She followed and did the same. "So what's been going on with you guys?" She tried sounding polite.

"What do you mean?" I was trying to act dumb. I didn't wanna talk about that whole situation, especially with April.

"What's going on with Leo? And uh, Donnie." She asked.

"I'm not sure if I should tell you.."

She sighed. "Just tell me. What do you lose out of not telling me?" She grinned softly.

"I mean..I guess you're right.." I thought for a moment.

I only looked down at the people and cars passing by. I decided to tell her everything. Only the things about Leo and Donnie. My growing crush is staying private. She was quiet and only listened. She would nod from time to time, looking down at her lap. As I finished, I waited for her reaction or response. "Leo is such an asshole. I can't believe him!" She hissed.

I only shrugged. "This could be just a faze.."

"..Of harrassment.?" She sounded unconvinced.

Her eyes widened quickly. She arose quickly, reaching for me, trying to pull me up. "What's going on? What are you doing?!" I demanded an answer.

"Don't you understand?! We just left Donnie and Leo alone in the lair!" She yelled, worry in her voice.

She grabbed me by my shoulder and tried dragging towards the lair. I pushed her away. "April, Chill. I don't think anything is wrong. We don't even know where Leo is. And D's locked himself in his room." I tried reassuring her.

But a part of me wasn't convinced. She still seemed a little worried, so I offered to take her there. She agreed and we began making our way there. She still seemed uneasy so I decided to call Donnie to make her feel better. "I guess that would be cool.." she smiled.

I pulled out my T-phone and called Donnie. It rang for a while before going to voicemail. April asked if I could try again. So I did. Once again. Voicemail. April was beginning to run faster towards the lair. I tried stopping her but she was already to far. I remained at my same pace, beginning to message him.

Mikey: Hey D! Can u text back? April is freaking out that something's wrong. Can u just respond back so she calms down

After sending a message, I continued trying to call. But I knew he wouldn't respond. When I finally the manhole, I saw April waiting near it. "Oh. You waited for me!" I cheered.

"Yes. Let's just get going." She sounded annoyed.

I made my way down first. She followed. We made our way through the sewers to our lair. When we finally arrived we were in the living room. Everything was quiet. April pushed me aside quickly running towards the bedroom. I followed. She went to Leo's room beginning to go through it. "Uhm. April. Don't go through Leo's room, that weird." I reminded.

"I don't care," she continued, "I'm looking to see If hes hiding anything."

"What could Leo possibly be hid-"

When I looked back at April, I see her pointing a gun at me.


{CONTINUATION OF} Love Potion-LeotelloWhere stories live. Discover now