Protective and Possesive (pt 1.)

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(Oh, god this is probably horrible)

Dice knocked on the door of the Devils office.
"Who is it?" The devils voice beckoned.
Shit, he sounds irritated.
"It's me, boss" Dice called back.
"Its open."
Dice walked in.
"Boss, the casino made 20,000 more than usual this week, and we've gotten 2 times more souls than usual." Dice reported.
"Are you alright, boss?" Dice asked worriedly.
Dice walked up to him, to hopefully see if something was wrong. Devil was tense and he looked tired.
"How long has it been since you've slept?"
"I don't know, a couple days." The devil rubbed his temples.
"Boss, you need sleep, you shouldn't over work yourself."
"Last time I checked, you wouldn't hesitate to work 3 shifts in a row with no sleep." The devil said, looking up at Dice with his tired red eyes. "And you don't have to call me boss, we're alone"
Dice froze for a second. "That's different..Bo-Devil, you're the boss, and I'm the manager-"
"Dice, you do just as much work as I do, if not more, and combined with that, you take care of me. In fact, you probably need sleep as much as I do."
"B-Devil, I am perfectly fine, you on the other hand, need to sleep or at least rest for a bit."
"Dice, you just worked 2 shifts with no sleep, don't think I don't pay attention."
"I'm fine, really, I know I can last with little sleep, but you are more important than I am, and you need to slee-"
"No, I'm not more important than you are. You're the best employee here, in fact you basically run the whole place, along with taking care of me, you don't need to worry about me, I'm fin-"
"Devil please." Dice prepared to be yelled at, he had interrupted him.
The voice was softer than Dice expected it to be.
"I'll get some rest if you don't work another shift without sleeping. Deal?"
"..Okay, Devil. Deal."
"Now go, get some sleep." Devil said, standing and heading to his own room.
Dice went to his room and got into the shower. Devil was right, he did need sleep, too. Dice was thinking back on what the devil said.
'I'm not more important than you are.'
You are
'Don't think I don't pay attention'
Does he really pay attention to me?
'You are the best employee here, in fact you basically run the place, along with taking care of me'
But it's my job, I enjoy doing it, I enjoy caring for you.
I care about you.
Dice's face immediately flushed.
I care about him? He thought. No, no, no, I work for him, he owns my soul.
But he could have burned the contract long ago. But he didnt, he said it himself, you're just a good employee. But even if the contract wasn't keeping me here, I would stay.
Dice finished his shower. He put on some underwear and sweatpants and just layed down. He was too tired to think about this now.Dice tossed and turned a bit, but Devil on the other hand had fallen asleep the second he hit his bed.

The next day (because I'm horrible at coming up with plot)

Dice stood outside of his boss's office. He took a deep breath and he knocked.
"Come in"
Sounds like he's in a better mood.
Dice opened the door and walked in.
"Good morning bo-d-devil." Dice caught himself again.
"Good morning Dice." The devil was working again but he didn't look as tired as before.
Good, he got some rest. I was worried about him.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, how did you sleep?" Dice asked.
"I slept well. And Dice?" The devil growled.
"You dont have to worry about me. You already do enough around here." The Devil sighed.
Now Dice was silent.
That's not gonna stop me from worrying about him.
"Really, you dont need to worry."
"Are you-"
"Reading your mind again? Yes. Now get to work, I've got some work to get finished." The Devil interrupted.
Dice nodded and walked out. Everything was normal so far, no drunken fights yet.

So part one is done, I'm probably gonna add more parts soon and add some oneshots here and there.

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