Protective and Possesive (pt 2.)

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(Not exactly smut, but sexual undertones)

Dice nodded and walked out. Everything was normal so far, no drunken fights yet.
"Hey sweetheart~ why dont you let me buy you a drink?" A very drunken man stepped out in front of him.
"No, thank you, sir, I'm busy with my job." Dice responded, turning and walking in a different direction.
The man slapped his ass and he turned around with a start. He was about to tell the man off before a louder and lower voice interrupted.
"Out of my casino. NOW" the Devil growled at the man. "Unless you want to end up in hell"
The drunken man stumbled out in fear and the Devil turn towards Dice.
"You alright?"
"Yes, boss, I'm alright, thank you" Dice would have been scared but he knew the devil wasn't going to hurt him.
The devil returned to his office without another word. Dice's face was flushed and he started dealing cards for some of the games going on.

Later in the day, The Devil had started a couple games, and Dice dealed for them.
"Why dontcha take a break from dealin', Dice? Come here, you can be my good luck charm~" The Devil smirked, wanting to tease dice.
Dice flushed. "Of course, boss~" he replied with a tone matching the devil's.
The devil looked impressed for a moment and then that smile returned to him.
He grin turned slightly sinister and he patted his lap.
"Why dontcha sit here~" the devil growled scooting his chair back to make room.
Dice flushed and made his way to the Devil, sitting in his lap. The devil raised an eyebrow, surprised that dice actually did it. All the customers, hell, even the employees, were staring. Dice kept his composure, at some point even leaning against the Devil. One of the devils arms slid around his waist, resulting in a small shudder, almost unnoticeable, coming from the smaller male.
A low chuckle came from the Devil's chest at Dice's reactions. "I bet you feel all high and mighty, sitting on the Devil's lap~"
Dice opened his mouth, about to respond, when his eyes moved around the room an he saw a group of 3 people, both him and the Devil recognizing them immediately. The Devil's lip curled in anger. The three men were very well know as cheaters, and had tried to assault/harass Dice multiple times. The men scanned the room, Dice wondering what they were looking for until their eyes fell on him. One of the men looked at the Devil in anger? No, it was something else, but similar. Hate? No. Was it Jealousy? Its seemed like it.
Dice could hear a low growl coming from the Devil. He turned his head and looked up at the Devil, seeing a frustrated look on his face. Wait, was the Devil jealous?
Dice realized that while he was watching the three men, he had leaned fowards, directing his attention away from the Devil. Dice leaned back against the Devil's chest.
"You've still got my attention, don't worry, boss." Dice said quietly.
The Devil's face flushed and even though dice couldn't see it, he knew. A card game Devil was in started, and Dice blew on his dice for good luck.(oh god that sentence was so confusing to write)
Devil won the game, as usual, and got a few soul contracts while he did it.
Dice remained on the Devil's lap as more people made bets and started games with the Devil. Oh, would those poor souls regret it.
"Oh, and Devil?" Dice asked quietly.
"I do feel high and mighty sitting here. You can't lose a game~" Dice smirked, knowing that the Devil would be flustered.
"You really do like flustering me, huh~?" The Devil growled quietly.
"Maybe~" Dice chuckled.
"My turn~" the Devil smirked.
The Devil's hand slid from around Dice's waist to resting high up on his thigh.
Dice let out a squeak, his face flushing quickly.
The Devil's tail curled around Dice's arm, tickling the edge of his jaw.
When Dice's face started getting less red, the Devil squeezed his thigh.
Dice gasped and then glared back at the Devil.
The devil chuckled, pretty much massaging Dice's thigh.
Dice squeezed his legs together, avoiding the Devil's gaze.
The Devil rested his head on Dice's shoulder, continuing to massage Dice. Devil knew what he was doing, and he sure as hell wasn't going to be stopping.
A bulge started to form in Dice's pants, and he squeezed his legs together even more. The Devil smirked.
"Hmm, so you like that?" The Devil growled into his ear.
Dice didn't respond, his face just flushed even more.
Devil's attention was brought back to his game and Dice had a break.
"We'll be finishing this in a bit~" the devil growled.
Dice let out a whimper, he realized that the three men had taken a seat and had been watching Dice and the Devil. The one from earlier still had a jealous expression that made Dice lean into Devil a little more, a smirk appearing on his face. The anger in the man grew and it amused Dice. Devil looked over in time to see the interaction and he smirked as well. His hand moved to press down gently on Dice's lap, earning a whimper from the smaller male.
"We're going to my office after this game~" the devil chuckled.
Dice smiled, "Can't wait~"

(I'm sorry I'm leaving it here, I'm too tired to write anymore lol)
(Also please tell me if I made any spelling errors and I'll try to fix them)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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